The Last Resort

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Amy pov

"The new Emerald Coast Resort sounds like the perfect place to get away from it all! You can hang out at the beach, or float in the crystal clear ocean all day long, then dine as you watch a spectacular sunset. It sounds absolutely romantic! I wish we were going to the opening party!" I said excited.

"We'll have fun at the Thorndyke's villa. Are you ready to go, Cheese?" Cream said.

Cheese replies in excitement.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Webby yelled excited.

"But question how are all of us getting there?" Donald asked.

"I think I half understood that" Chuck said.

"But that is a good question" I said.

"Well only kid's, Donald, Daisy, and Uncle Scrooge are going" Della said.

"Wait your not going with us?" Cream asked.

"Um yeah I'm not going anywhere near the ocean" Della said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Della is afraid of sea life" Mrs. Beakley answer.

"Is that where Bella gets her not liking water comes from" Tails said.

"Part of it, she hates all water, I just prefer to stay away from the ocean only" Della explained.

"Anyway to answer your question lad, Launchpad is coming with us and he's flying us in the cloud slayer" Scrooge answer.

"Wait when did the cloud slayer get here" Della asked.

"Sonic and Bella found it a few days ago, we've just been repairing it" Scrooge answer.

"Well then were ready to go" Daisy said.

"I'm ready too, guys! My flight plan will take us right to the Emerald Coast." Tails said.

"Be careful, you guys, and try not to let anybody see you." Chris said.

"They won't have a problem for as long as they stay on the grounds of the villa." Chuck said.

"I wish I could hang out with them instead of going to the resort opening." Chris said.

"I know, but your mother can't make it, so she needs you to go in her place. You won't have to stay long, and after, you can join the others at the villa." Chuck told him.

"That's great. I can give you two a swimming lesson, Sonic, Bella." Chris said.

"You guys go on without me. I'm gonna stay right here." Sonic said.

"Same" Bella said.

"Huh?" Chris question.

"Sonic, Bella, you mean you're not coming with us?" I asked.

"That's right! Have fun, I've gotta run!" Sonic said as he runs off.

"That's weird. I wonder why Sonic doesn't want to go to the Emerald Coast with us." Chris said.

"It must be because Sonic hates water. He won't come near the ocean because he can't swim." I answer.

"I forgot that." Chris said.

"But Sonic doesn't have to swim, he could go running on the beach." Tails said.

"Oh I wanted Sonic and Bella to have a romantic experience on the beach" I said sad.

"You wanted what?" I heard and saw Bella still here.

"Bella please come with us" I said.

"Why?" She asked.

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