Giant Free-for-All Chris House Party

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Bella POV

We were relaxing in Chuck room when we heard giggling from outside.

"That sounds like Cream and Cheese outside hu Webby out there to" Amy said as they looked outside.

"They know were not supposed to be outside when Chris is gone" Tails said.

"What are they doing?" June asked.

"I bet Creams picking flowers because she misses her mom" Amy said.

"But why is Webby there?" May asked.

"It's because she misses her granny" I answered.

"How do you know?" Amy asked me in a rude tone.

What is with her?

"The lass used to pick flowers to make her granny happy" Uncle Scrooge answered.

"Does that mean her granny is your mom" Tails asked which made us laugh.

"No, but she act's like one" I said while laughing.

"Ms. Beakly raised Webby so she thinks of her as a granny" Della said while laughing as well.

"Why do I feel like this will get worse when we find Goldie" Uncle Scrooge said.

"Who's Goldie" Amy asked.

"His Ex" I answered.

"Hu no offence, but aren't you to old to be dating" Sonic said in shock.

"She's his ex partner, ex rival, ex everything" I told him.

"I still can't believe you two like each other, you both just love gold more" Della said.

"Oh how romantic" Amy said.

"Anyway does that mean Goldie is Webby mom or-" I cut her off.

"Webby, May, and June's origin is complected" I told her.

While they were talking I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Sonic point at a picture of beautiful flowers.

I nodded at him getting the idea, I grabbed the picture as Sonic grabbed my hand and we left.

June's POV

We heard a shame "Sonic?" Amy said.

"Bella?" I said wondering where they went.


Me and May went to help Webby, Cream, and Cheese to help with the flowers.

"Well need to get more flowers" Cream said as we left, but stopped when we saw everything for the party and ran into the other kid's.

"There you are, we've been looking for you" Lena said.

"Maybe we can help with the party" Cream said as we got the same idea.

Chris POV

"I feel sorry for dogs, how do they stand colars" I heard and saw grandpa in a tux?

"Why are you wearing that grandpa" I asked him.

"Mr. Tanaka said I couldn't wear my lab coat to the party" he answered me.

"Hey when you see Sonic, Bella, and the others can you tell them to stay hidden while my teacher and Uncle are here" I whispered to him.

"Well I know Amy, Tails, Donald, Della, Daisy, Scrooge, Gandra, Fenton, Drake, and Launchpad are in my room, but I haven't seen Sonic, Bella, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, May, June, Boyd, Violet, Lena, Gosalyn, Cream, and Cheese all day" he said.

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