How soft.. (Knuxadow ☁ ☔❤)

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Shadow lightly touched the redheaded echidna, his fur getting grazed by the naturally sharp claws of the hedgehog. Shadow has been doing this ever since G.U.N. ordered him to take the master emerald. 

The reason? 

Knuckles fur was actually very soft, for he cared for it meticulously, making sure every bit of fur was in peak condition. But little did he know that Shadow would be addicted to this soft fur, he would constantly pet it, stroking his arms and shoulders to eventually he would be cradling his face in his lap. 

Shadow would only do this when Knuckles was asleep and most of all when they were the only ones on the floating island. 

He did this more for his own comfort than the sleeping echidnas, his soft fur reminded the poor hedgehog of his beloved sister, for she did too, made sure her hair was as pristine as spun gold. Maria would let a little Shadow play and brush her hair and the felt of the red echidna brought an unknown, much needed comfort to the trauma stricken hedgehog. 

But unbeknownst to the hedgehog who was too busy in memories and the fine fur, Knuckles was actually awake. He wanted to know why his fur and hair were picked clean of the twigs and leaves that would usually fall or got blown into his hair while he slept, so to feed his curiosity, he pretended to fall asleep.

 Knuckles was astonished when he found out it was Shadow of all mobians, was the one picking out the debris in his hair, what's more, he also stroked his fur... Which was strange at best and uncomfortable at worst. But the echidna allowed this, enjoying the warmth in Shadow's lap while his face was being caressed in a loving fashion.

But unbeknownst to the both of them was that two mobians had been watching this for months, a blue hedgehog looking at the two with amused look while a ivory bat grinned in mischief. 

Who knew a meticulous hair routine would bring two complete opposites together, eh?

(Shush! I'm indulging ma self. =w= 


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