Chapter Seven

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Sam flies through the portal behind Black Panther, and I smile. I watch in awe as more portals appear on the battlefield. Strange descends from one, followed by Drax, Mantis, Quill, and...

My breath catches in my throat as Peter swings in, landing on the ground. He stands up, and his helmet deactivates, revealing his smiling face. I tear up, overwhelmed with relief.

More people I have heard of arrive from all over the universe, backed up with forces of their own. I notice Bucky and a tree that Rocket told me was named Groot in front of Black Panther's Wakandan army. Remaining Asgardians follow behind a woman riding a Pegasus, and I assume that she is a Valkyrie. Thor once told me that they were the female army sworn to protect Asgard.

Wanda lands among them, and there is a flash of silver as Pietro runs to her side. I recognize Hope as she lands near the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Someone in a blue and gold Iron Man suit lands on the ground, and the helmet deactivates, revealing my mom.

"Come on!" I yell to Clint, Gamora, and Nebula.

They run down to the battle field, while I lower myself to the ground with my powers, using them to transform into the suit I wore on Titan. As I'm in the air, I see Peter watching me with a huge smile on his face.

Wanda and Pietro are closest to me, so I run to them, standing between the two. Wanda takes my hand in hers, and I take Pietro's hand in mine. They both squeeze my hands in acknowledgment as we stare at Thanos. I look over just in time to see a giant Scott emerging from the rubble with Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket standing in the palm of his hand.

"Avengers!" Steve yells as he summons Mjolnir.

I smile to myself, having known that he was worthy all along. I let go of the twin's hands as everyone takes up their battle positions while waiting for Steve's next words.


We all run towards Thanos's army as they run towards us. His army consists of weird alien creatures that I'm aching to fight. I lift myself into the air, flying above them. When I drop to the ground, I smile wickedly at the surrounding aliens.

They advance on me, and I don't bother using my powers as I deliver death blows. I move swiftly, anticipating each attack and killing them effectively until I'm surrounded by bodies. I run away, using my powers to snap the necks of the aliens that make the mistake of provoking me while I search for Peter.

There's so much going on that I resort to closing my eyes and concentrating on Peter's thoughts to find him. Two aliens come at me from both sides, and I side kick the one to my right before turning and punching the one to my left. I hear Peter's thoughts from a distance, so I fly up into the sky to get a better look from above. I release a breath when I see him hugging Tony. I lower myself back to the ground, running towards them as fast as I can.


He turns at the sound of my voice, his face instantly relaxing when he sees me. He looks at Tony, who nods in my direction. Peter smiles, sprinting to me.

We crash into each other, his super strength the only thing keeping us upright. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist, burying his face in my neck.

I shake with silent sobs as he holds me. When I look at him with tears streaming down my face, he smiles. I kiss him, and he pulls me closer, one of his hands moving from my waist to the small of my back. I melt into him as he deepens the kiss.

Our lips part, remaining close enough to share breath. I keep my eyes closed even though I can feel him looking at me.



He tilts my face up to his until I'm forced to look at him. "I'm never leaving you again."

I release a shuddering breath, my eyes gleaming with tears. A small noise comes out of me as he presses his lips to mine. My hands move to the sides of his face while his grip my arms. He kisses me in a way that makes me forget that we're standing in a battlefield. When he pulls away, he leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you," I whisper, my finger tracing his jawline.

"I love you," he says, pulling me into a hug.

I look behind him, my eyes widening as an alien runs towards us. I shove Peter out of the way, blasting it. It screams as it explodes, and blue blood splatters on my face. I look back at Peter, who is staring at me in awe.

"Uhm, we should probably..." I motion to the fight surrounding us.

"Yeah, totally." He nods.

"Okay, cool." I give a double thumbs up, smiling awkwardly.

Peter smiles just as Clint runs between us, holding the gauntlet.

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