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I say/question walking towards her, checking to see if she was alright and having an idea in mind. She perks up surprised that I was even there through all this.

"Yeah I know I'm insane for sticking around but anywho..could you do me a favor?"

"Sure what is it?"

She asks whilst looking towards ichigo who's still brooding away from everyone else. I gulp a bit hoping she doesn't suspect me as a "love rival" at a time like this.

"Please, look after Kurosaki..he seems really sad about how things turned out. I know you'd be able to make him feel a little better ya'know?"

It's just an idea but I know she'd wanna do it anyway. After all, she likes him and knows him well. As much as I wanna comfort him I can't, I barely know him. The orange haired girl nods determinedly and accepts the suggestion. While Giving her a thumbs up I open my mouth to say something else but instead I'm met by the lady and the man in the hat from earlier.

"Oh? Who's this?"

The blonde man coos examining me, along with yoruichi. I suddenly start to get a little nervous and back away a little.

"Woah now. No need to be afraid. After all, I technically saved ya."

The man says grinning mischievously under his hat

"Yeah he's right I suppose"
I think to myself, letting my guard down. If the guy wanted to hurt me I'm sure he would've by now so whatever. Lifting a hand up to nervously rub at my neck I eye the two odd people.

"I'm y/n...I'm friends with ichigo."
Gaze shifting to orihime my brain finally thinks of something to say that won't make me seem like a oddity here. After all I'm just a regular person...that happens to be able to see ghosts now I suppose?

The man in the hat hums pleasantly and nods towards me.

"I see~"
"Mind explaining how you got here? In this situation I mean."

Unintentionally, I let out a giggle.

"Well it's complicated...honestly I don't know. I was just was at school and felt some strange pressure in the air so I went to kurosaki and begged to come with him here. And well the rest is history.."

I trail off glancing towards ichigo; who's getting his bearings again. He looked so beat up it wasn't even funny. Hair disheveled. Cuts and scratches all over.

"I think I'd better get going though, it's getting late."

I smiled sheepishly at the man and the woman with purple hair.

"Well for future reference, the names' urahara and this here is yoruichi. She's a cat lady!"

He gestured comedically, whispering the last part which earned him a glare from said woman. She greeted me casually with a curt wave which I nod to giving a smile on return. I face towards Orihime before I start to leave.

"Don't forget about our deal inoue-chan."

Winking to the ginger, I dust myself off and walk across the field towards the way we came to get here (and ichigo since he was still there lol) Gotta trust her to make everything bet-


A touch on my wrist breaks me from overthinking. Turning, I already knew it was Kurosaki. Eyebrows arched curiously I hum in question.


Was all he said even though he still looked pretty shitty about the whole situation. Smiling slightly, I reach for his hand that's still gently holding my wrist but retract it since it's safe to assume Orihime is watching.


He lets go hesitantly and I start walking back home..even though imma be so honest I have no idea which way to go from here...Kurosaki kinda was my escort but he had his own problems to deal with. Oh well time to tough it out that's was gps is for time to put it to use.

A/n: I'm bad at describing stuff 😭

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