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There's a certain boy you sometimes wondered about in class, he always wore a scowl that you knew all too well but  after a while it started to turn into a look of loneliness like he'd been through the ringer. He had plenty of friends that love & care about him so what was with him? You didn't think you'd ever see him look that— depressed . You wished he'd smile a little more while but for all you know you could be completely wrong about him I mean You only see him in school and you've never spoken a word to one another.

For now anyways.

The day was going as usual and at the moment there was a break before the next class, in which I spent in my seat and stealing glances at the teen who sat chattering with one of his posse specifically; a cute orange haired girl with a impressive bust who caught me glancing at the both of them and smiled kindly. I averted my gaze downward in what could only be depicted as embarrassment or shame. When I looked back a momentarily I unintentionally caught the stare of the orange haired teen whose soft brown colored eyes peered back over his shoulder straight at me along with the cute girls' friendly look. Shivering slightly, I turned my attention elsewhere for the remainder of break.

Class progressed and the end of the day approached quickly. The school was emptying out as students went to clubs and after school activities or home while I traveled to my small boxed locker that was surrounded by rows of others. Grabbing my shoes and ditching the school slippers I feel the presence of another person coming my way. Twirling on my heel I face them, meeting with a head full of obnoxiously orange colored hair and a scowling face rather abruptly.

"You want somethin Kurosaki?"

I bluntly questioned wondering what he could possibly want with me. The teen only looked around a second and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

He started trailing off, into a prolonged moment of silence.

he seemed so confident when he sauntered over here what's the problem now?

I thought to myself, now growing rather impatient with his silence because it seems very uncharacteristic of him and it was holding me up.

" y/n Are you familiar with hollows or- spiritual pressure?"

He asked tensely like he expected me to say "oh hell yeah I am!" Quite frankly I didn't have the slightest clue what he was on about. If I had to guess he was one; goin insane two; talking about some weird stuff he just made up or three; talking about some weird stuff out of a manga-

"I have no idea what you're on about kurosaki but it's getting late dontcha think? It isn't safe for a young schoolgirl like myself to walk home alone late ya'know.

I joke; and unfortunately he agrees.

"I guess I'll walk you home."
He stated in all seriousness.

"Eh- wait Kurosaki I was kidding! Plus, you barely even know me!"

I try to dissuade him but every argument is counter attacked and eventually I give up because dear god this boy is persistent and stubborn. Sighing heavily, we walk out of the building together and the remains of the suns rays beam down on us the instant we step out and I can't help but notice how attractive the male beside me is, his already orange hair seems to glow in a golden light along with his eyes and complexion with each angle the sun hits him at.

Woah Kurosaki's kinda cute- wait what? No I can't be thinking like that right now dear god!

My thoughts jumbled inside my head as I walked side by side with the orange haired boy whose presence alone made me feel tiny considering how much taller he was. Groaning internally I pushed on anyway ignoring my inside thoughts.

"Hey Kurosaki who was that pretty girl in class today?"
I question suddenly to break the silence his brows furrowed in slight confusion.

"Oh come on the one that was talking you with the huge bo-"

"T-that's Orhime! She's a friend of mine.."

I deadpan at his response I swear if he's stupid enough to think that that girl sees him as just a friend I'm goin feral.

"Seems like more than that to me~"
I tease yet again and he turns to me frowning slightly

Wait does he seriously not see it oh dear god help this boy if I see it then—that's really bad!

"I never took you to be the dense type oh geez"

"Shut it will ya."

He scolds playfully and at which I laugh at as we walk closer to the sidewalk finally leading to my house. The rest of the way was relatively quiet but it wasn't as awkward as you'd think it's should be.

"Heh~ well this Is the end of the road for me Kurosaki, see you tomorrow.

I say whilst smiling, at which kurosa- I mean Ichigo returns causing something inside me to flutter in a weird but oddly warm way that was very uninvited and uncalled for. As waved to him before I unlocked the door and walked in I thought to myself:

Wait....Did I just befriend Kurosaki??

(A/n: ok orhime is gonna be in this but YALL ainT finna FiGhT maybe a little jealously here and there when we get to the good stuff ;if we get to the good stuff but yeah no crazy shit)

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