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I was trying my best to ignore the shaking in my knees when I approached the orange haired male, trying to be calm, cool and collected around him was always so difficult especially since that last awkward comment I had made days prior. Desperately I push the odd feeling I was getting about him beyond yet again while we continued on walking together until the convenience store came into sight, along with many other places.

"So, where you heading?"
The orange haired teen questioned while I nearly stumbled beside him.

"I was actually planning on heading out for ice cream—"
I say, pausing a moment before adding onto the thought.

"Uh—you wanna come too? I wouldn't mind having some company.."

I meekly suggest, assuming he's busy with other stuff. His head turns my way and I'm forced to look at his honey-colored eyes that seem to glisten in the daylight along with a cute little smirk.

Oh god his eyes are so pretty I could get lost in there.

"Sure, that does sound pretty good right now, Its not like I have crap else to do either."

He responds and I'm taken by surprise quite frankly then, I suddenly remembered the stack of homework I gave him last week.

"Did you finish all the make-up work then?"

I inquired teasingly, knowing damn well that entire stack of crap was not done.

"Hell no! That's way too much!"

He curses, his scowl deepening at just the thought of the halfway done papers that still sat on his desk at home. It really was a lot of work and it was hard as hell. Typical life of a student am I right?

"Well don't miss so many days and maybe we wouldn't have this problem Kurosaki~"

I coo playfully, softly bumping into his side before chuckling a little. His expression softens and he turns away; which goes completely unnoticed by me for a moment till I felt the air around us shift.

"Hm? Oh we're here."

I nervously point out, starting to notice the tension in the air has built up a little more than I have liked it to. I attempt to temporarily shake it away until the time came to address it and that wasn't now so I went into the store for the long awaited moment in my life. Finally the delicious taste of (f/f) ice cream shall be mine!

After I made the purchase I stepped back outside handing Kurosaki strawberry flavored ice cream and enjoying my own while walking aimlessly yet again except this time with the orange-ette accompanying me. My eyes kept wondering and glancing at ichigo since after we left the store though, he was awfully quiet the whole way back and it was pretty concerning. If there was anything I could do to help I would especially considering that he was basically helping me forget about yesterday's abnormal experience. Gulping down any nervousness or doubt I speak up on the matter.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I question, genuine concern showing in my tone of voice as my brows furrowed when I caught his attention. A brief moment in silence was spent standing under a tree that shaded the both of us, the usual scenery of the sunset that I was so used to observing after school painting a orange-pink hue down on us again. The taller teen opens his mouth to speak but closes it in search of a better choice in words though, in the end it comes out brash anyway.

"Yesterday night, something happened to you right?"

He finally responded with unease latched onto his voice and another emotion etched in his features. I, however am astounded at his question. How did he know about yesterday? I was sure there was no one there so there was no way he could've—

"Before you say anything, remember when I asked you if you knew what—hollows were? That was one of them, I doubt you could've seen it but it was definitely a hollow."

"Does that mean you can see them too Kurosaki?"

I instinctively blurted out , it was the first question that came to mind as soon as he said what he did. I mean after all If he seen it why didn't he call for help? Ichigo seized, sighing and eventually gave up on keeping all this information about hollows and the other subjects away from you. (Like shinigami's and spiritual pressure and all that other good shit) it was bound to happen sooner or later so it's better to let you know now than when it's too late.

"Yeah, clear as day."

He replies still obviously uneasy about telling me this information but I continue pressing him to tell me a little more. Specifically about my savior from last night.

"Well when I was being—attacked last night by one of those hollow things a guy swooped in right in time and saved me but I couldn't see him that well either, would you happen to know who it was?"

Recalling my account from yesterday I ask if the male knew my savior before quietly adding on.

"...He felt really familiar for some reason, like I know him."

I whisper the last part, averting my gaze elsewhere to avoid feeling anymore flustered about this whole situation in general, it was strange too strange to the point where it was literally unreal.

What's next y/n? vampires and werewolves? Creepy crawlies?

My inner self mocked me and I inwardly curse before looking back up at Ichigo for anymore answers to my previous questions. It seemed to me he was processing his own problems though.

"Last night I was actually the one who saved you."

(A/n: definitely not my favorite chapter so far and I'll probably edit and fix it a few times soon but as of now I'm running off 4 hours of sleep and 3 cups of coffee so all I can do is apologize for now 😩🤟)

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