Chapter 20- the end

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"So that's the pl-" said Wilbur then looking at the door. I just laughed and walked in bending down a bit to be in camara. "Ah Wilby. What's this? A little You have you lose? Eheheh. Why don't we make it interesting and get drunk while we do that" I said. Wilbur didn't recognize me. I mean I did change a lot in looks.

"V-Valerie?!?" He asked then got up hugging me. He was starting to cry. Chat was so happy. We talked about it on stream for a while and Wilbur just bullied me but was just happy I was back. "Wait... this is your first time drinking right? You didn't drink in America right?" Asked Wilbur. I laughed and shook my head.

"Nope. Just bought it at the store. I wanted to have my first drink with my brother. So. Hatches down and bottoms up" I said. I poured at least 2 shots down my throat. "That burns. You drink this stuff?" I asked. He just laughed. We streamed us drinking and we somehow ended up still.. not losing. 2 days later and it was Christmas. Wilbur came over and so it was him, mother and I.

Next day I decided to send Tommy a text. I had to give him his present.

Unknown number 🥴

How have you been Tommy?

How was your Christmas?

Can you meet up at this location
in 3 hours? K thx

*location sent*

I left and got there an hour earlier than expected

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I left and got there an hour earlier than expected. I sat at the window seat with the present and more bags of clothes for having gone shopping. I looked down at the ring and just smiled laughing.

"God.. we were so stupid. Thinking we can long distance date. Or even remain friends. But I still miss him..." I talked to myself. Then the bell hanging over the restaurant door rang. A couple walked in. It was definitely Tommy. He didn't record me because I changed in the corse of 2 years. I also Learned how to make a good American accent.

"Who are we here to meet?" I heard. I walked up to Tommy and saw a girl holding his arm. The smile I had faded but I faked it. "Tom! It's being so long. How are you?" I asked. He looked at me confused.

"Sorry... do I know you? Were you the one who texted me?" He asked. The girl looked at me. She smiled but it was obviously a fake one and a rude one. "You're still Wilburs bud aren't you? Random number?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Yes I'm Wilburs friend.. but I have no idea what you're talking about with the random number.. sorry" said Tom. I just sighed. "Alright well. Sorry for um.. ruining whatever day you both had going on. I just came back from shopping and thought I should see an old friend after 2 years. Also here's all your things back I borrowed. And the reason I came back to Nottingham.. is to say..." I was cut off. He looked inside the bag and it had all his hoodies.
"Valerie? I- I thought you were still in America..." he said. I just laughed.

"Yeah well. Um.. I came back. Missed everyone." I said. He looked at my hand. His girlfriend did too. "Who's she Tom? Oh wait. You're Married?" Asked Tommy's girlfriend.

"This? Oh no.. I actually wanted to meet up to give it back. I really don't have any use for it. I'm uh... one of Tommy's Old friends. Wilburs sister... the ring is a running joke. We give it to eachother each time we leave so we can give it back. But I think it's time to put things in the past so.. there you go... have a good day you both" I said. Before I walked off the girl caught my hand. "If you were thinking we're a thing. We're not. This creepy guy was following me. He's still outside. Also thank you for bringing me here" said the girl and walked off to a table were her friends were. I was so confused.

"I- huh?" I asked. Tommy laughed and hugged me. "So you're back.. when did you get back?" He asked.

"5 days ago. You kinda got rid of my number didn't you?" I asked. He nervously laughed. "I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do after our breakup.. or whatever that was.." said Tommy. I just laughed.

"Of course. I was so nervous getting back... I missed a lot so I asked everyone what changed and they all didn't say a thing." I said. Tommy looked at me. "What if they said I got a girlfriend? How would you have reacted?"

"How I'd react? Well obviously good for you. But there's not much I'd do. I mean. We tried and it didn't work. We had strong feelings an-"

"And do you still feel the same way before you left? Or after we broke up?" Asked Tommy. He grabbed my hand and slipped on the plastic ring. "Uh... Tommy. If you're going to propose.. at least let me Vlog it for your channel." I said Jokingly. He rolled his eyes and I hugged me.



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