🧸his pretty husband 🧸(1)

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words: 1254

summary :

jungkook loves staring at the pretty boy beside him.


taehyung is mindlessly tapping his fingers on the wooden table they sat at, a laptop opened in front of him jungkook leaning his head against the others shoulders.

they're in a cafe, a pretty small one that doesn't have much customers, just a few regulars.

but taehyung always preferred the quite ones, he gets time to think about everything and work in peace. and jungkook tags along whenever he was asked to, not like he can say no to taehyung, he loves him too much for that.

a dull lull of conversation flows around them, people chattering up with eachother, which is the only proof of them being in a public space, because they seem too lost in eachother to notice the crowd.

a few minutes in, a latte in his hand and a strawberry muffin on his plate, jungkook looks up from where he was resting his head. from his view, he can count every single one of taehyungs moles, can stare at his beautiful features for as long as he can. and he does just that.

it's been ten minutes(or was it more?)since it began, the staring. jungkook now sat up straight in order to look at his husband better.

his husband.

the thought still errupts butterflies in his belly, makes his cheeks gain colour and turn all shades of pink.

it still feels like a dream. the person who he thought would never be his, the person who he lost before but promised he never would again, was sitting here with hin,with rings on both their fingers and matching smiles on their faces.

like an instinct he quickly joins his hand with taehyung, lacing ther fingers together. he looks up again to see taehyung smiling back at him. content with the warmth in his hand, he continues to ponder more about their relationship.

'im so lucky' he thinks. always.

he isn't sure how long it's been since he's staring at his husband. has it been seconds? minutes? hours? no that's too long.not like he wouldn't stare at his husband for hours, he just never thought about doing it before, he just might today.

cause watching taehyung has been his favourite hobby, his favourite thing to do in a while now. watching the older work on his laptop, taking sips of his black tea once in a while. his chestnut hair falling on his eyebrows, his pretty eyes focused on his work,his smile- just him.

him. just him in general.

that's all jungkook wants to do for today. appreciate his pretty boy.

after sometime jungkook realised he couldn't see his husband's other side at all.

so unfair. he just wants to appreciate beauty, he huffs.

"look at me will you?" he whisper- talks to himself not wanting to disturb tae.

he looked at tae, with a little nudge to taehyungs elbow.

"yes my love? do you need anything?" he spoke, concern laced in his voice.

oh shoot-

did he say that too loud-

his ears burned in embarrassment, cheeks going pretty red and eyes going wide.

as soon as taehyung turned to face him, it's like jungkook fell in love all over again. the air was punched out of lungs and the urge to kiss the man in front of him increased every second that passed since then.

it was weird, the affect the other has on him. so fucking strange

taehyung with his fluffy chestnut hair, with his beautiful sharp eyes, cute nose his preety lips, his charming face as a whole just- just makes jungkook bite his lip to stop from screaming out loud.

he's so so so pretty.

whipped, some may call, and jungkook would gladly agree that if it means he can just keep looking at him as if tae held stars in his eyes. (he did, jungkook would argue with you if say no)

he shaked his head, feeling a little embarrased.

then taehyung smiles coyly, his eyes having a teasing mirth to it.

jungkook squirms in his place, getting cught for something like this makes him shy.

"but I heard you say something baby, i can recognise your voice despite how low it might be. the best voice in Korea remember?" he smiles while he speaks, the genuine one this time.

it makes jungkook blush even harder.

marry a flirt they said, it'd be fun they said.

(no one did really he was just too in love to physically not stop himself from marrying the fuck out of taehyung)

"'s nothing- look away!!" he says, voice going a little high by the end of it.

this makes taehyung throw his head back and laugh heartily, his eyes crinkling and and cheeks rising as he let out little giggles.

the whole scene made jungkooks heart warm,made it perform little summersaults and beat harder than a drum.

'oh taehyung, the effect you have on me'

that's when he thinks he'd willingly get embarrased just to see his love smile like that.

"idiot, I heard it. heard what you said." and there it is, the teasing smirk curving on his features. there's no bite to his words, just pure admiration.

jungkook rolls his eyes despite having the biggest smile on his face, he could never be annoyed by this teasing

"s-shut up, I was just talking to myself- and look away I'm getting shy" he mumbles with his cheeks coloured scarlet red.

and taehyung just smiles while shaking his head, a clear no.

tae raises his hand to his face, tucks the lone hair behind his ear and kisses his temple.

is this heaven? jungkook asks himself.

he's pretty sure he's a tomato by how hard he's blushing right now, and taehyung? he's still looking at him with most adoring look on his face, with so much affection in his eyes which makes jungkook want to kiss him till he drops.

he does just that, simply because he stopped second guessing things like before.

they kissed and kissed without paying mind to others in the cafe.

there was something about kissing tae in front of everyone, made him squeal like a high-schooler with a crush.

pretty sure he could hear his heartbeat by now, so loud.

he doesn't mind that when the most beautiful man he ever layed his eyes on is sitting in front of him, who loves him the most.

his husband. his pretty husband.

-the end-

sorry I haven't been doing well lately, but hey!! I'm getting back to how I used to be before and making some progress. wrote a very small one shot today, will be writing more of these yk? just fluffy taekook in love~

thank u for always supporting me. I love you all.



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