chapter 7- I'm sorry

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🍕Peters pov🍕

I finally returned and ran upstairs to find Bailey.

But instead she wasn't on my bed, where i last left her. I walked further into the room.

Suddenly i stopped in my tracks, hearing the creak of a door behind me. I slowly turned around and there she was. But she was different. Making me second guess if it really was her or not.

The figure stood stoically, if that's even possible, staring directly at me. They were, to my confusion, wearing a suit that looked exactly like mine. But the colour of it was night black.

Before I had a chance to speak, they lunged at me. Their surprising strength pushing me into my bedroom wall and started punching me.

I blocked each one, though a few slipped passed and hit me. I then carefully pushed them backwards, angered at whom ever this could be.

"Stop it! Who are you?! i shouted at them, but that didn't stop them.

They kicked me into my wall again and stalked towards me. Once they reached me, they tried to push me out my window but i had a firm grip on each wall beside me. I wasn't going anywhere. They were hardly pushing me anyway, like they was restraining themself from doing so.

"Hey! Stop it! i said as i jumped up and kicked them backwards.

As they landed on the ground, their suit retreated its way back into their body and it was revealed who had been attacking me not long before. It was Bailey.

"Bailey?" I asked her cautiously as she started backing away from me. Her eyes met mine as she stared at me, her eyes starting to glaze over.

"Peter?" she asked as she stifled a sob.

I ran towards her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's okay, you're okay" i began telling her. Though, i didn't quite believe it myself.

🍕Time skip🍕

"She did that?" Bailey asked me. As soon as she calmed down, I explained my visit to Gwen and Harry. Telling her what Gwen had told me and done to her.

I nodded in response to her question.

"Why though?" she asked me. She was leaning against my window sill, facing the outside with her back turned to me. Her head hung low.

"Like i said, apparently you stole me from her" i replied. I was feeling extremely tired of all this nonsense.

"But you two hardly spoke! I don't understand! How could she be this pathetic!" she shouts starting to get angry.

"Hey, calm down its going to be okay" i start but she cuts me off as spins around to face me.

"Okay?! This is the opposite of okay! I am a danger to you Peter! Don't you get it? I'm dangerous!" she shouts, tears spilling down her face.

"If you're so dangerous to me then why are you still here? you are not dangerous Bailey... not in my eyes..." i tried to reason with her me. However, she ignores me.

"I am a danger to you peter, i just tried to attack you!"

"That wasn't you! That was your alter-ego thing or whatever!... you can never hurt me" i told her as i made my way towards her.

"No... I'm dangerous to you and until you realise that... im going. I cant be around you anymore... Peter I'm
sorry-" she starts, stepping away from me but i cut her off.

"No dont do this-" i tell her but she cuts me off as well.

"We have to break up..." she tells me. not taking her eyes off the floor.

"No... no, we don't. We can figure this out, we can stay together you dont have to do this... please..." i plead her, tears now starting to pour.

"I'm sorry peter... but its for the best..." she tells me as she brushes past me and out my bedroom door. Seconds later, I hear the door slam.

This can't be happening.

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