MizuKana babysits

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25:00 at Nightcode (General):
Yuki: Hey You two.

K: What's up Yuki?

Yuki: Can you baby sit my cousin? She came over.

Amia: How old is she?

Yuki: 5...

K: Wait...isn't this virtual though?

Amia: Yeah. Shouldn't we like come over or something?

Yuki: In like 10 mins. Cuz my parents are going out finally.

Yuki's Speaker: (her mom) Mafuyu! How's Sayu?

Yuki: (her honour student side) Ah! She's doing fine! Thanks for asking mom!

K: Well. There's no choice huh? I'm not planning to go to hospital today so...

Amia: Wait Sayu? Ahhh! Is she gonna look like the character from Genshin?

K: Bro what the hell?

This is the first chapter without a full chatroom segment I guess. I'm bored so enjoy this.

At Mafuyu's House:
Mafuyu: You take care of Sayu. I'm so tired.

Kanade: Then where are you going?

Mafuyu: To see Emu.

Mizuki: Ha gay! Ditching your cousin to see your girlfriend!

Mafuyu: Anyway bye...

Mafuyu leaves her house leaving the two with Sayu.

Kanade: (awkward) Anyway who are you?

Sayu: Sayu!

Mizuki: Kanade! She looks nothing like the Genshin character! WAAAA!

Sayu: Genshin?


Kanade: Nice to meet you. I'm Kanade Yoisaki. This is Mizuki Akiyama.

Mizuki: So, wanna watch some horror shows with me? Like uh...

Kanade: Mizuki she's 5...

Sayu: (grabs the ipad) Oooo, big cousin's YouTube search history...

Kanade: Eh?

Sayu: Who's this? (points to a thumbnail)

Kanade: (blushes) Ahahaha...

Mizuki: It's you in 15 years time!

Sayu: Me?

Kanade: Michishige Sayumi huh?

Mizuki: Oh her! "Good Afternoon, my name's Mitch and I'm your supply teacher!"

Kanade: I see the similarities. Mitch is a boy name though. That's just her surname.

Mizuki: Bro I'm joking! Right Sayu?

Sayu: She's really pretty!

Kanade: Oh I know that song. Seishun Collection.

Mizuki: It's like the only idol group you listen to Kanade.

Flexing my Morning Musume knowledge on ya-anyway...

PROJECT SEKAI: 25:00 at Nightcord ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now