Niigo crashes a TEAMS lesson

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A LEVEL BIOLOGY 12A: (Voice chat)
Mr Davis starts the meeting. 25 people have joined.

Mr Davis: Hello Year 12 and welcome to another TEAMS lesson due to the unfortunate circumstance of the tube strikes happening.

K: What's a tube strike?

Mr Davis: So please turn on your cameras please.

*Everyone does except Niigo*

Mr Davis: Anyway. Let's start the lesson and please be attentive since I will be calling on students.

Amia: Fuck-

Mr Davis: Was someone speaking? If so, please turn off your mic.

Amia: Oh sorry sensei~

Enanan: *holds laugh* This is a British lesson...

Mr Davis: Anyway let's start off with the starter activity. First refresh your minds a while back on doing the cell cycle from last lesson.

K: I'm pretty sure no one cares about covid in the UK, so why are you doing remote lessons? It's December...

Mr Davis: Were you here yesterday Yuka?


Mr Davis: Wait. Are you Yuka?

(I skipped the lesson and these 3 will cover up for me sir)

K: Yeah. Paid a lot of attention to the lesson yesterday.

Mr Davis: Ok, tell me what happens at Gap 1.

K: Uh...uh...uhhhhh...can you throw that one open?

Mr Davis: Sure. Does anyone know?

Lucy: The DNA grows but does not replicate.

Mr Davis: Brilliant.

Enanan: HUH?!

Amia: What did you expect Ena, this is an A Level Class! We don't understand this crap! A Level means advanced learning!

K: Sorry sir, my cousins came to my house today.

Mr Davis: Uhhh ok?

25 mins later...

Mr Davis: Ok, you should have filled out the worksheet. So, Amy. Can you tell me what metaphase is?

Amia: Omg that's Yuka's smart friend.

Amy: Isn't it...

Enanan: Metaphase is when the chromosomes line up! Obviously...

Amy: Hey that was...

Mr Davis: More detail...

Enanan: The spindle fibres thingy. They attach to the centromere.

Mr Davis: Correct.

Amia: Wow, you're so smart!

Enanan: No I used Google.

Amy: Who are you guys even?

Mr Davis: Wait a minute. Enanan? Amia? Who are these people?

Enanan: Ummmmmm...

Beth: Ena Shinonome. Mizuki Akiyama. Kanade Yoisaki.

K: Eh...

Beth: You the guys from project sekai?

Mr Davis: No I'm pretty sure Yuka is here though.

K: Yes sir. That's me.

Mr Davis: Ok then please focus more Yuka.

K: Oh sorry...



*Amia and Enanan exit the meeting*

K: I guess I'm covering for her now...

PROJECT SEKAI: 25:00 at Nightcord ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now