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Also FYI: so glad I don't have to come up with usernames. So here are the official ones.
Kanade - K
Mafuyu - Yuki
Mizuki - Amia
Ena - Enanan

*Amia added K, Yuki & Enanan to the group chat*

K: What is this?

Amia: Oh! I met up with Airi yesterday with Ena and she told me how to use WhatsApp!

Enanan: HUH? Literally there's no point of making a group chat here! We could just use Nightcode!

Amia: Hey hey calm down Ena, we should interact here for fun!

Yuki: ...

K: Besides, how did you find Yuki's phone number?

Amia: Oh. Shizuku told me.

Yuki: Oh.

Enanan: Geez Mizuki. Give her more space. Don't try to stalk her!

Amiya: But she is my friend! Right Mafuyu?

Yuki: ...I guess...

K: Anyway I'm gonna leave this group. I use WhatsApp for family use only.

Amia: Ehh? K, you're such a killjoy!

K: Bye.

*K left the group chat*

*Amia renames the chat as K the Killjoy*

Yuki: Yeah I'mma leave too...

Amia: WAIT!

*Yuki left the group chat*

Enanan: Haha...

Amia: Uhh...

Enanan: Let's just stick with Nightcode with them Mizuki.

Amia: Ok...but I'm really interested with WhatsApp!

Enanan: Honestly it's less interesting. I only use it with Airi and the others.

Amia: Aww man...

Enanan: Hmm, I forgot we don't have a group chat with Airi and Shizuku so, Mizuki, make me admin.

Amia: Ah ok!

*Amia makes Enanan admin*

*Enanan added Airi and Shizuku to the group chat*

Airi: Yo Sup guys!

Shizuku: Ara, it's Mizuki-chan! [Yeah I know Mizuki hasn't had their gender revealed yet but in a story event Shizuku calls them that]

Amia: Yeah Ena let's go to Nightcode.

Enanan: Uh ok?

Airi: Huh what's happening?

PROJECT SEKAI: 25:00 at Nightcord ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now