chapter 1

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Good God.

The dreadful sound of your alarm woke you up, as you were dreaming about something that had most likely been 10 times more exciting than what you were up to. Unfortunately, life was a thing that existed. Not exactly the most enjoyable thing, but you learned to manage.
You felt the weight of exhaustion hit you as you tried to sit up out of bed, your eyelids heavy. Falling asleep at 2 am and waking up at 7 wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world.

It was a rainy Monday morning, which meant you were most certainly taking a trip to the coffee shop to avoid a having a completely miserable day. Walking around, you stumbled a couple times, unsure if it's due to clumsiness or just a minor injury. Hurting your leg around a month ago did have its perks, as you were currently working from home, even if your leg was doing fine enough to where you could go back to real work with little issues. Admittedly, that thing still hurt like a bitch on occasion, and working in pajamas without physically dealing with your annoying coworkers was the far more superior option.

Putting on an outfit that would make even Adam Sandler look overdressed compared to you, you stepped out into the cold, wet air of the early-winter morning. The rain wasn't light, but could be worse. You threw your hood over your head, jogging to your car and quickly getting in. You shivered slightly, turning it on and driving off to the coffee shop. Driving past the 'Gravesfield' sign that you see almost everyday, you sighed. You sometimes wondered why you continued to live in the small Connecticut town even after graduating high school. Its history was so fascinating to you, though, as well as the unknown mysteries that had yet to be discovered about it. Although living in familiarity was kind of boring, you knew you were at least somewhat comfortable.

Walking in to the coffee shop, you saw the same girl at the register that was almost always there. The line was surprisingly not bad, considering it was a Monday morning. While in line, you thought of the funny memories that had happened in this line, as you remembered that one totally valued customer. Marylin.

"The usual?"

"You know it. Say, you didn't mention you were Italian!" She pointed to the lesbian pride pin attached to the unamused blonde woman's apron. You wanted to laugh, but also feared of getting punched in the face by the scary yet attractive woman.

"Grazie!" You heard her say, leaving the store.

You walked up to the counter and thought to yourself, unsure if you wanted to go for extra coffee today or not. You weren't the biggest fan of coffee, but went for a hot latte anyways. After ordering, you hopped into your car, drink in hand.

It had still been raining, adding on to the early morning gloominess. Getting out of the car, you speed-walked to your front door. A strike of lightning hit, and startled the mess out of you as you almost dropped your coffee. Sighing, you grabbed the housekey, unlocking the door and walking through. It shut, making you turn around, immediately flinching from the sight in front of you.

This wasn't your house. Not even close.

No more rain, no more clouds. Matter of fact, there was no house either. You turned around to grab the knob to the door, opening it and not seeing the front lawn that had been there before. It was just a door to a plain old storage closet. A few more attempts of opening and closing the door like a maniac, you stood there, baffled. You were just trying to comprehend whatever this was you were experiencing.

"Did I die and go to hell or is this a lucid dream..?" You mumbled to yourself. It for sure wasn't heaven, considering the horrifying creatures you saw walking and flying past you.

"Did they put something in this latte..?" You raised an eyebrow, holding it up to your face. Suddenly, a gigantic, bug-like beast creature casually passed by you, making you jump and yelp. You looked around, trying to desperately find help.

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