chapter 3

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Eda cringed, not expecting Luz to screech like a bat.

Luz touched her round ears, then gestured towards your own.

"Eda, how did..?"

Eda shrugged.

"Just sit down, kiddo. We're gonna have to have a little question session." She said.

"Well first off, I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." You smiled slightly. Luz grabbed your hand with both of hers, shaking it.

"I-I'm Luz Noceda! It's been so long since I've seen another human in person. Now, how exactly did you get here? By portal door? Portal window? Portal gun?" She asked, leaning toward you in curiosity.

"I wish I could answer that, but I really have no clue. I opened my house door, and boom! I just accidentally walk into another freakin' world." You explained.

"It's been known that there are sometimes unexplainable..leaks between our world and yours. Also why we sometimes get random stuff out of nowhere from your world.." Eda said, scratching her chin. You tilted your head.

"Is that how you got here?" You asked Luz. She looked down, shaking her head.

"Eda used to have a portal door of her own, but it's a long story.."

Many questions and stories later, a little demon finally awoke from the constant muffled ruckus he heard from downstairs. He rubbed his eyes, standing up and walking to the source.

"What's going on down.."


What looked to be a combination of a Cubone and a weird cat/dog walked in, who was adorable in a strange way.

"Oh boy.." Eda said.

Another long explanation later, the 4 of you sat there, making small talk. Looking at the clock, your eyes widened. It was 4 am. Eda yawned, standing up and stretching.

"I don't suppose you have anywhere to stay here, huh?" Eda asked you. You shook your head.

"I know this place isn't the best're free to stay here if you'd like. Sleeping on the streets ain't fun. And plus I owe you for that one night hiding from the cops." She said, winking. You blushed, laughing slightly.

"Great influence, isn't she?" King said, yawning and plopping to the floor, on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.

"Well I better get these goobers to bed. I'm sure it's been an awful long day for you as well." Eda said, walking the two back up to their rooms for the night. A few minutes later, she came back down with blankets and pillows in hand.

"Ya know, I have a pretty damn good nest upstairs. I can sleep down here for the night if you'd rather." She offered.

"Oh, no thanks. I think I'd rather sleep on a couch." You said, unsure of how a nest would feel.

"You sure? I will warn you, this living room does breathe pretty heavy at night." She said, casually.

"You know, on second thought I'll take up that nest offer!" You said, terrified and grabbed some blankets and pillows.

She led you to her room, letting you in.

"Bathroom's a couple doors down if you need. And don't be afraid to scream if you need me for anything. The kids can suck it up." She snorted, and you smiled.

"And here. I doubt you wanna sleep in the clothes you've been wearing." She threw you a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt that read "Bad Girl Coven" on it. You giggled to yourself, reading it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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