chapter 2

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You really thought you could hold out on falling asleep in this world, but that apple blood did a number on you and ended up knocking you out cold. Your head lay flat on the table, as the woman you had been eavesdropping on for the last little bit had walked by, looking over. She cringed.

"Kevin, I think you had a first time apple-blooder." She said, walking back over to him. The two of them walked over to your booth, as he tried snapping in your face. He sighed.

"Yep. She's out." He said.

"Poor woman. Go ahead and put her stuff on my tab." She said, walking out. Kevin groaned, knowing she wasn't going to physically pay this time. Again.

Around an hour went by, and you groaned, sitting up. You looked around, seeing you were the only one there by now. Kevin was cleaning up glasses, and looked up to see your body finally moving again.

"Sheesh, it's about time. I almost thought that apple blood killed ya." He said.

"How long was I out?" You asked. He shrugged.

"'Bout an hour or so. Someone paid for your stuff, so you're good to go."

You raised an eyebrow. Strange gesture from someone who you've never met, but you were gonna take it. If anything, they saved your ass, as you only had 7 dollars in your small backpack, which you weren't even sure they'd take here.

"Might wanna hurry out and head home, by the way. Good old boiling rain's coming pretty soon." He said, sarcastically.

Boiling rains? Is that supposed to be a metaphor?

You walked out, heading out to seek your little cave once again. You made sure your hoodie stayed secure out in the town, as you scurried out of there fast. The woods were super peaceful during this time, as the town nearby had quieted down by now. The cave came into your sight, as you looked into it with your flashlight, jumping back at the sight. A strange, medium sized creature along with a couple other different creatures were hidden inside, most likely preparing to hide from the rain. You groaned, as you didn't want to touch them and take the chance of being killed or getting some sort of unholy form of rabies. You trudged along, desperately looking for a different place to hide for the night. The path you walked on seemed to grow wider until there wasn't so much a path anymore. You squinted your eyes, seeing a house of some sort.

I wonder if there's people there that can help me find a place to stay that isn't so caveman-style.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a sting on your arm, followed by a small sizzling sound. You cringed, feeling another small, wet sting that burned slightly. Your eyes widened as the realization hit.

This was the boiling rain.

You ran the fastest you have ran since high school track, trying to make it to under the onning of the front of the house for protection.

Coming to a halt, you breathed heavily as you finally made it under, no longer feeling any more stings than you now had. You sat on the ground, leaning against the wall behind you. You pulled down your hood, closing your eyes and resting your head against the wall.

"Woah, round ears. Say, you look a lot like my friend Luz."

Your eyes opened wide, as you heard a voice beside you that was reminiscent of the ginger bread man from Shrek. You raised an eyebrow, looking around and seeing nobody. The sound of something stretching forward to your ear caused you to look up at its direction, your eyes not prepared for what was to come.

A bird? A worm? Birdworm? Whatever it was, this was something straight out of a nightmare. You yelped, jumping back slightly.

"Haha, yeah I get that reaction a lot. Sometimes..."

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