9 (🍋)

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(Tao pov)

As I wake up from a dreamless slumber, I feel my body language softness. My mind still hazy. As I try and let out a yawn, my snap was immediately snapped clothes and I ended up biting my tongue. A small drip of blood dripped out the side of my mouth, I couldn't even feel it. My whole mouth was completely numb and uncomfortable. I look around my surroundings to see I was lying in my own bedroom my neck chained to the headboard of my bed. I let out an annoyed puff from my nose and goes to the opposite side of my room where my mirror was. Apparently I shifted in my sleep because I was in my wendigo form when I awoke.  I could still very well hear my stomach growling, but I trying to call my step so I could regress back into my least threatening form, I was still hungry for flesh. As I started to internally panic a little the door knob to my room wiggled and clicked, someone has unlocked my room. My growls of hunger calmed once a familiar scent bombed the the room.  It was familiar yet angry. My fight or flight was strong, I guess I started growling again, but this time not because of hunger. But because of the anger radiating from the doorway and the nagging fear creeping up my spine....

The door swung open to reveal a very angry husband. Karl stood tall, his arms crossed as he observed your hostile beastly form. He eyed my blood hungry form with disgust before snapping his fingers. Before I could blink the entire manor staff was before him carrying massive trays of what I could only guess is his favorite meal. Some servants more scared than others, some shaking, some don't dare make eye contact, and those older servants who were used to it seemed quite calm but still don't dare let there guard down while you are in such a horrible mental state. As if on cue they all lifted the silver covers to display of what can be described as fresh meat...  The staff members immediately said the platters down on the floor and on those platters were living humans who are tied up and bound. They were fully naked and look absolutely terrified of what they saw before them. Your House of hunger started getting louder and louder, making them shake even more as your corner of the mansion shook. Karl snapped his fingers again and the staff members exited the room with a quickness. But not before unchaining you and taking off your muzzle before running out of the room. Karl seemed absolutely unfazed, when you pounced on the poor first victim, it was a girl, she looked around 18 young, she had brunette hair and green eyes. She was definitely more on the heavy side, but that was obviously purposeful. Karl feels as it's his duty as your husband to kept you fed, and he would hate to give you some skinny model looking girl that had absolutely no meat on her. You passed on her so quick, and it only took you around 10 seconds for her to be torn open. First, thank you did when you passed on her, crush her skull inside of your mouth. The other unfortunate souls screaming blood murder through their gags.

(Karlheinz POV)

This was very soon for him to have a break down like this, he must be absolutely famished. This is simply the best that could do on such short notice how could only scrape up so much. Do you know how hard it is to find bigger boned and fat people in Japan when the beauty standard is is where everyone in looks like a stick. I do hope this was enough, so I could see the good-looking side of my husband and not the more unattractive side of him. I sat down in his fluffy corner of his room and crossed my legs, drinking a glass of 'wine'.  It took about a solid hour for him to wipe out that pathetic lot of humans, bones and all. He hates to be wasteful with his food. After she was done, his head snapped up voice to me. His black eye sockets boring holes into mine. He admitted a low groan like noise from his chest as he stalked closer to me.

As much as I would love to say, he wouldn't hurt me in that form. I knew that would be a damn lie, for that is not my husband, that is the thing he has to share a body with. I keep my cold demeanor still, but I couldn't help but feel a cold sweat run down the back of my neck. His fucking clawed hand was the size of somebody's head!
I tried to ease the situation even if it was a little bit.

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