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(Tao pov)

I made direct eye contact with the 4 boys as I took in their scent and their looks. They eyed me up and down cautiously, some looking more hostile than others as if they didn't expect me to actually approach. I was almost the same height as them, if not taller. As I look down on them. I tried to come off as calm and sophisticated as possible. I didn't want to scare them more than need be, I want answers. Especially since I've heard so much about this a lot from my husband, this technically would make some my sons as well, wouldn't it? If that is the case, then I would like to get to know more about them.

Tao: State your name and which sibling you are...

? : Eh?! Why should we tell you anything huh punk! You should know it's not cool to be nosey bull!

He grabbed me by the front of my suit pulling me towards him. He was very tall, had brownish red hair and smelled if fresh soil. The Sakamaki's were about to intervene, but I raised my hand, stopping them from doing so. This action, without a doubt, making the 4 boys glance back over at me, questioningly even more suspicion swirling in their faces than before.

Tao: Well, aren't you a feisty? Is it so bad for me to want to know about my adopted sons I've heard so much about?~

The absolute shock on there face was amusing to say the least. But I must admit this is not the ideal position I would've like to be in tonight. It was already a rough start to the night and on top of that it seems that my boys are already acquainted with my new boys, tho not in a good way it seems.  Turning back to the tall red-head, holding me by my $250 suit I swiftly chopped him in the throat making him double over gasping while I smoothed my outfit for the 3rd time tonight. Just I may not be the one who legally adopted them or is respect like Karlheinz, but that doesn't mean I'm going to just let such behaviors slide.

Tao: Now now, enough of that behavior. I'm still waiting and I do not like to wait, maybe it'll help if I introduce myself firstly....I am Tao-Ming Sakamaki. Originally part of the wendigo clan before I married into the Sakamaki family to where I became the Vampire Kings first (and last) husband.

I stopped talking after that last sentence so they could let all that important information sink in, meanwhile while I checked my pocket watch only to see that there was only 3 minutes before first period was to start. Slight panic showed on my face as I started directing students inside of the building like traffic work. My 6 boys had already won a side along with the herd following them. I turned back to the Mukami brothers only to see them  staring at me with shock? Distrust maybe? Or all of the above. Whatever they are feeling, I do not have time to deal with at the moment, I still have a job to do, even if it is in a dark but cozy library. I walk back over to them. Making this quick but understandable.

Tao: Well, as much as I would like to chat more, I have a job to do, if any of you for would like to meet me, I will be in the library I am stationed at most days.

And with that I walked off.

(Time skip mid day)

It was a loan to save your name in this was the most unholy class time for the Sakamakis and Mukami boys. This was the one period of the day that for some reason, all of them had the exact. same. class...
Seeing as the Mukami brothers are new this change in scheduling was recent. 10 vampires who did not like each other in the same classroom was just asking for something bad to happen, and unfortunately, a few of the weaker vampires had to deal with it. On top of that, the teacher has not yet entered the classroom yet, so it was an all time chaos. Though it was quickly cut off by one of the background students alarming the rest of the unruly class.

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