Shaken Snow Globe!

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It was a Wednesday evening and usually Miranda would still be at work, but she requested some time off this winter and she was glad she did because her holidays had officially changed forever.

Miranda was driving down a dark snow covered road when her right back tire blew and she spent around sliding into a ditch hitting a tree. The horn was blowing loud as Miranda's head was resting on the airbag and the toddler was crying in the backseat.

It took Miranda a few minutes to come back conscious. She placed her had under the bag reaching for the key to turn off the car to stop the loud horn noise. Then crawled to the back to unbuckle the toddler and check her out to make sure she was okay and free of injuries.

"Shhhhh Nyla, it's okay. You're okay sweet baby", she said trying to calm her down, but nothing was working. Miranda pulled her into her chest, rocking her slowly and wrapped a blanket around the both of them and started singing Christmas carols and Nyla was calmed down and sleep within minutes.

Miranda put her back in her carseat, buckled her back up, put on her hat, earmuffs and hood to her coat. Fixed her gloves and covered her up with the blanket.

Then she searched in the car for her phone. It was no service where she was, especially with the snow storm tall trees surrounding them.

She got out of the car and walked up to the covered road looking down both ways and saw absolutely nothing as it all looked like she was inside of a shaken snow globe. As she was turning around to go back to the car she slipped and tumbled back down into the ditch.

When she finally crawled out of the snow pile and dusted the snow off of her, she looked up when she heard a growling sound.

It was a wolf growling and showing his teeth. Miranda had no idea what she was going to do. She started pushing herself back towards to the car slowly while still sitting in the snow. Then she slid up the car slowly trying to stand up and hopefully get into the car, but it was ice under her and she slipped back down hard and the wolf charged towards her biting down onto her ankle and she screamed for dear life in pain.

She managed to keep kicking with her other foot and hit his nose making him whimper and let go of her ankle and run off.

Miranda cried as she dragged her leg trying to get back into her car in the backseat. She reached into her medical bag and immediately poured alcohol onto the wound while biting down on a blanket to prevent from waking up Nyla.

Cleaned up the wound as best she could with what supplies she had and tied a tourniquet above the wound as her ankle was still bleeding after cleaning it out and applying pressure.

It was getting colder and she had to do something to keep them from freezing to death, so she decided to cut the car back on and the head lights so they would shine up to the road. The loud horn woke up Nyla and she started crying.

Miranda was able to start the car and cut the heat on for a few minutes before everything cut off do to the damage from the accident.

"SHIT!", she cussed hitting the armrest with her fist.

Nyla stopped crying. "Ooooh bad word!"

"Great so the one time you talk, it's criticizing my choice of words", Miranda said rolling her eyes.

Nyla looked at her through the mirror smiling and Miranda couldn't help but smile back feeling bad.

All of a sudden Miranda remembered the car alarm and hoped it still worked as she reached for her keys hitting the alarm and it did.

She struggled getting into the back seat with her now swollen ankle.

The alarm was so loud, but she had no choice hoping that someone was just as crazy as her and was out in this storm to come and save them.

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