Death has never looked more likely

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LOUIS' LUNGS BURNED, like sandpaper scratching the inside of his throat. He was alive though, that was the main thing. He was alive, and he just needed to keep pushing to keep alive.

Nico's embrace had been pulled away, although Louis wished he'd never stopped.

The beach wasn't sand. They were sitting on a field of jagged black-glass chips, some of which were now embedded in Louis' palms.

The air was acid. The water was misery. The ground was broken glass. Everything here was designed to hurt and kill. They'd probably be dead within the hour.

Louis wanted to leave. He didn't want to die, he was too young. But he also couldn't leave Nico here alone. Nico had been here for him when no one else was. Louis couldn't leave him here.

He forced herself to take stock. Wincing with each movement, his ankel still throbbing. Nico took notice of this.

"Does this hurt?" Nico moved closer to Louis, gently placing his fingers onto Louis's skin.

He winced, eyes shut tight. "I'll be fine" he muttered through gritted teeth.


"I'll be fine. I promise."

Nico looked like he wanted to protest more, but knew better of it. Instead he wrapped his arm tightly around Louis, helping him into a standing position while letting him lean against his own body for support.

Nico wasn't crying anymore, which Louis took as a positive sign hopefully. Although Louis wanted to himself. He wanted to curl up into Nico's arms and never let go. But they were currently in hell, so that wasn't particularly a realistic option.

They had no food, no water...basically no supplies at all. They were destined to die.

"This is like a holiday."

If looks could kill, Louis wouldbe been dead within seconds after saying that.

"Ha ha, your so amusing." said Nico dryly.

Only then Louis finally took in Nico's appearence. Despite how handomse he looked normally, currently he looked terrible. His dark hair was plastered across his forehead, his T-shirt ripped to shreds. His fingers were scraped raw. Most worrisome of all, he was shivering, his lips were blue and his skin turning s corpse like grey.

Louis wondered if he looked just as dreadful.

"We need to keep moving. Will you be alright to walk?"

Truthfully Louis knew he wouldn't be able too much. But his idiotic brain made him say yes instead.

The two scanned their surroundings. Above, he saw no sign of the tunnel they'd fallen down. He couldn't even see the cavern roof-just blood-colored clouds floating in the hazy gray air. It was like staring through a thin mix of tomato soup and cement.

The black-glass beach stretched inland about fifty yards, then dropped off the edge of a cliff. From where they stood, Louis couldn't see what was below, but the edge flickered with red light as if illuminated by huge fires.

The two demigods stagged on, fear draining them from the inside. Louis knew he was going to die here, this place would kill him. But the fear of death itsself wasn't enough to scare him. It was the fear of loosing Nico instead. Something he was not going to let happen.

"We're going to find the River of Fire first."

Louis's voice came out dryly. "Oh, goodie."


WHEN THEY REACHED the ledge, Louis was sure he'd signed their death warrants.

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