Midnight Meetings

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LOUIS COULDN'T SLEEP, he couldn't be bothered eaither. He'd had a very eventful day, mostly with Reyna yelling at him. But that was normal. He was talking about a freaking god visiting the camp. That never happened! On the rare occasion a camper would walk into dinner, yelling out to everyone that they now knew who their godly parent was, but actually meeting a god? Now that was normally out of the question.

He lay awake, tossing and turning in his bed for what felt like hours. He wondered how Percy hadn't died when facing Mars today. Usually, Mars would've killed anyone that even said one word against him. So how come Percy had survived? Those two obviously had a lot of history. Even if it were in Mars' Greek form, Ares.

The whole Percy mystery just kept making Louis even more eager to find out about the guy.

Louis' mind also travelled back to when the son of Pluto had said he had something to tell him later. Louis only presumed that Nico was going to be warning him about his upcoming death. 

He tossed and turned so much that it felt like an earthquake was coming. He got sick of it eventually, compleatly giving up on sleep at this point. Louis stood up and quietly crept out and into the night, careful not the wake any of his roomates.

He breezed through the cold night air, finally at peace. Well . . . or at least he was.

"You're up early." 

Louis screamed, stumbling back a little in fright.

There, standing alone in amongst the shadows was non other then Nico Di Angelo.

"I couldn't sleep." Answered Louis.

"How come?"

Louis eyed Nico suspiciously. "I'm not really complaining, but why do you care?" It was obvious Louis loved being Nico's friend. But Nico was almost the opposite of him. So it was just a little out of character for him to be so genuine with him. 

Nico just shrugged and wouldn't meet his eyes. "I don't know." He crossed his arms and started to kick the dirt a little awkwardly. "I just do."

Louis walked over to a little bench that was placed near the dining pavelin. and gestured for Nico to follow. Once they both sat down, Louis broke the silence. "I've just been preoccupied with Percy. There's something up with that guy and I don't trust him. I mean I do because you trust him," Louis was backtracking. "But I can't be fully sure. And whenever I'm around him I'm always just so tempted to use my powers and figure out why exactly he's here."

Nico stayed silent for awhile, an unreadable expression across his face. "I think I know why he's here."

"You do?!"

"I can't be sure, but I have a small feeling."

"Well, why is he here?"

"I can't say."

Louis gave Nico a face that said 'are you kidding me' "Nico, your the closest person I have. We're friends, you can tell me anything."

Nico's face fell a little. "Friends?"

"Yea, your my best friend Nico. You can tell me anything."

Nico didn't look at Louis. His face staring blankly down at the ground, kicking the dirt around with his foot. "Yeah, friends. Right." His tone was flat and maybe even disappointed. Louis just figured it may be because he'd never actually had a friend before.

"I can't exactly tell you why he's here." Nico said finally. "It's complicated Louis. But i'll tell when the time is right."

Louis nodded understandingly. He knew very well that when someone says 'when the time is right', he was never going to tell Louis.

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