Fear kicks in

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LOUIS SKIPPED OUT on dinner. Reyna had told him to run, but all he'd been doing was walking around the camp in circles for the past few hours. He was trying his best to avoide Octavian, which he'd been quite successful with.

Percy, Hazel and Frank would surly of left by now, for the sun had now set, nighttime looming over now.

Louis just had no idea of where he was meant to go now. Reyna had made it extremely clear he had to leave, but where to? Reyna had not been very clear.

He saw staring over across the lawn, wracking his brain for what to do. Until a figure was moving across the lawn. It was a male, short, with dark messy hair. That was all Louis could make out. But he knew that anywhere. "Nico." Called out Louis, now walking closer towards the son of Pluto.

Nico stopped dead in his tracks, turning around extremely hesitantly. "Why are you up at this time?"

Louis crossed his arms over his chest. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

Louis raised his eyebrow, fully knowing Nico was lying.

Nico gave up. "I just have to go fix something. It's fine though, I'll be back by morning."

"What do you have to fix?"

"Nothing just go back to bed." Nico turned away, starting to walk in his original direction he'd been going.

Louis stepped forward, reaching out and closing his fingertips around Nico's wrist, pulling him back. "I'm not leaving you until you tell me what's going on. You've been acting sort of strange ever since Mars showed up. Even before that! You've always been so closeted and to your own, and now you're just leaving with nothing more then a goodbye or an explanation."

Louis had never seen Nico so speechless. His mouth wavered, hesitating on whatever it was he needed to say. Louis jumped in before. "I can't loose you Nico, not without a good reason."

Nico's shoulders slumped. Louis knew that this was it. He wasn't letting Nico leave without an explanation, and it looked like Nico was about to spill.

He lowered his voice to almost a whisper. "I'm leaving to travel to the underworld. Through to tatures, ending with closing the doors of death."

Louis couldn't believe what he was hearing. He tightened his grip around Nico's hand, refusing to let go. "I'm going with you."

"You can't!"

"Why not?"

"Are you an idiot Louis? You'll die!"

"Then what chance do you have?"

"I'm the son of Pluto, I'll be fine."

Louis stepped closer towards Nico. "I'm not taking any chances with that. If you die, I die. I'm not letting you go through this alone."

"Louis you do not understand! You are going to suffocate and die down there. This is not a nice place and I need to do this on my own."

Louis let out a dry sort of laugh. "Not happening."

Reyna had told him to flee the camp, to do whatever possible to leave. Maybe accompanying Nico along this journey was his destiny too.

"Louis, I have to do this alone. This isn't about you."

"You don't understand, I have to come."

"Why do you have to come? What gives you a reason?"

"Life kind of boring here. Might as well spice it up a bit."

Nico looked like he wanted to strangle Louis. "Are you out of your mind!?"

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