Like mood, financial stability, and hunger,
they come and go.
But unlike the others,
it always seems lost.
Lost like people, or thoughts.
But worse since its the drive for them.
I wonder why.
Why is motivation so difficult to have or if your lucky, keep?
Well, its because it's connected to interest.
Interest is a desire,
and a desire can be a mood or thought.
A mood can be a feeling but also a state.
A state can be from thoughts.
A thought can be everything.
Meaning, it's really all in the mindset.
But, then how do you get into a different mindset or even any mindset?
Well you see...
That isn't up to me or my over analyzing.
It's up to your imagination.
Like those corny posters saying 'hang in there!'
They are there for a reason after all.
And so are you, to be here.
Go out there, try something new! Or even keep within what you like doing.
Just have fun once in a while. In whichever way that may be.