Ardency Unmet

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Last night, I drew my blanket over my face.
        Once more, my bed became my coffin—
Bearing the heaviness of agony and dolour;
        Of ardency unmet, of need for endorphins.

Today, I witnessed the birth of aurora
        On my razor, gleaming faintly as I scrape
The unsightly brush strokes on my brightly
        Coloured piece—the replica of my Ankara.

Not a bout of maudlin self-pity,
        It is a wonder that my paintbrushes
Feel like fishes at hold looking for their way:
        Slipping into water with splashes.

Let the half-hearted complain, not me!
        When will my hands bow down to my
Commands? When will they stop tremouring?
        Let the half-hearted complain, not me!


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