A Tiny Little Favour

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Inawhilecrocodile: Would you be willing to write a sugardaddy!Zayn and sugarbaby!Niall? 

A/N: I really hope you like this and I'm sorry if it comes out really crappy and all! Enjoy xx

 Wordcount: 6,433

It was cold London morning, people had been rushing into work and as an intern 20 year old Niall Horan was in more than a rush. His new boss was one thing and that was an absolute dick. The last thing he wanted to do was make himself late.

He rushed down the city street, passing all of the new type of stores and whatnot until the familiar smell of coffee grinding filled his nostrils, making him absolutely groan. This is all I need, Niall thought.

“I hate myself so much.” He sighs after not even contemplating to carry on down the street toward the office he did his internship in, as well as balancing out his journalism studies.

He shamelessly pulls himself into the coffee shop – seeing a relatively small line. A smile of satisfactory beams upon his face as he lines himself up, eyeing down the large latte on the menu he knew he needed in his life.

“Shit, shit, shit,” he whispers out, biting down on his lip seeing that he had five minutes until he was expected to be in the office using the time on his phone. It took five minutes to get there and even if he ran after getting his latte it would still make him one minute late.

“I’m dead.” He chuckles bitterly to himself. “I’m completely dead – rest in peace Niall.” He huffs, lip bitten.

When it was his go, he couldn’t help but to take his time because well, was it worth it anymore? He just sighed, lip bitten as he placed his hand on the counter.

“Hi, just a large soy latte please.” He says to the woman who looked as if she had crawled out of bed to be there – which was most likely true.

“That’s 5.50 please.” She complies out, eyes blinking tightly.

“5.50? I only have a five – it says up there that large lattes are £5.” He scoffs, pointing toward the sign.

“Yes, large lattes are £5 sir, but soy lattes are 5.50.” She gets out as Niall begins to scamper through his wallet. The one day he decided to take only a five to work had to be today. He contemplated to use his card then sighed – seeing that this damned place had that stupid policy where you had to pay at least £15 before a purchase.

“What kind of place is this?” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look, I’m going to be so late – could you please just give me the soy latte? I’ll even come by tomorrow to pay that extra bit of money. It’s just I’ve had such a frantic morning and I need the coffee-”

“Sir there are people waiting,” she gets out, looking behind him, “either choose something to your price range or leave.”

“Oh ah, excuse me?” Niall hears a sweet sounding voice next to him. He grunts in reply, glancing to the side to see that at the other counter was a stunning looking man – not even looking a day over thirty. He was in a sleek black suit, hair perfectly quaffed and my god, Niall thought, did this man have a flaw?

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