Stockholm Syndrome

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Hey everyone! This one shot isn't set in the LOTR books but has the same characters (and their backgrounds/characteristics) in them – if that makes sense?? This just allows non-LOTR readers follow along. This one shot is so cliché but I've always admired other people's Stockholm syndrome stories! Anyways I hope you like this and be sure to request one of your own ! I'm still going to finish the ones other people have requested xx

PSA: This is ridiculously long (like 18k words or something) and was written ages ago I'm just uploading now. The grammar is only self explanatory. Hope you enjoy!


During winter, it seemed as though everyone besides myself had a horrid time. I'd hear constant rants about the chilly weather and the absence of the sun, moans about the snow which made people forget that the ground isn't supposed to be blanketed in frosty white, and nobody would ever leave the house.

Except for me.

I seemed to find the best past-times in dressing up in a coat and scarf to walk the town when nobody was around. It gave me a chance to pull my thoughts and feelings together and actually enjoy the silence away from my rather loud life and brain which never seemed to shut up.

With every snowflake which fell from the drooped trees without leaves, I grinned ear-to-ear at the sudden tranquility it gave me. I was never a fan of social occasions, or any occasions for that matter. It appeared that I liked my own company more than the company of others – I certainly didn't blame myself. When my parents and teachers weren't pressuring me to make something of myself, I had my conscience to do that job for me.

The only person who saw that my independence as a refreshing thing was my boyfriend. I couldn't ask for anyone better in the entire world and it was evident that we were meant for each other. People think I'm crazy for being so head over heels for him when I'm at the tender age of eighteen, yet my parents had met when they were our age and they are still happily married. It could work for me also.

I smiled seeing his contact appear on my phone. My eyes looked behind me to see a bench on the main road with a store behind it shielding it from the cold. I took a seat whilst I answered.

"Hi," I sigh longingly, tilting my head to the side as my legs fold over.

"Where are you, love? I thought we had that dinner at your parent's place tonight?" His voice made me smile and I curled my fingers beneath the bench.

"That was tonight?" I sigh, looking about to see that the sky was turning a darker blue, and there was a rather dense traffic. "Do you think they'll be mad if I don't show up?"

"That would be the third time this month." He chuckles in reply.

"James," I practically whine. "I don't wanna' see my parents – they're going crazy now that I'm about to take my final exams."

"They mean it in good spirit." He sighs. "Besides, it's almost Christmas and I'm at your mother's house. She's more invested in decorating the place than anything else."

I pause before sighing, knowing this was a battle I just wouldn't win. "Fine, I'll be there shortly."

"Where are you anyway?" James replies lightly.

"I'm err... I'm going for a walk."

"When it's negative degrees outside?" He retorts. "You're going to catch a cold."

"But it's lightly snowing and nobody is around – It's peaceful James, peaceful!"

"I'm sure it is love," he chuckles, "are you wearing a coat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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