The group goes camping (LOTR AU)

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Mad-about-curls: okay so can you do a one shot where the group goes camping and Niall breaks down with Zayn, Max and James in the car? Then maybe a game of truth or dare after? Really fluffy! Thankyou!!
I'm sorry I haven't updated anything but I'm in the middle of about 3 one shots over 6K words and I have school soon so I'm really busy! Bt I promise I'll get around to them xx

Wordcount: 8,596

"Oh my god, Zayn." Harry sighs as he walks through the door, blood on his shirt with his hair messed up.

"A-Are you alright?" I stutter as I stand myself up, rushing over to him.

"Ain't my blood Blondie." He grunts, kissing my cheek hesitantly before he makes his way down the hall to our bedroom.

"What happened?" Harry asks Louis quickly who walks through the door, Scarlett following behind closely.

"Drunk guy wanted to fight Malik, poor guy." He sighs with a chuckle.

"Zayn's DNA is probably all over the body-"

"He killed him?" Harry gapes.

"Yes, the guy was attacking him so of course he had to do something." Scarlett sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Please, please tell me this was up in Bradford. We don't have anywhere to hide up here." I huff, knowing Zayn would be screwed if he killed someone in our lonely town.

"Nah, it was in the city." Louis reassures with a shrug.

"Good." I breathe, a small surge of relief taking over me.

"I swear to fucking god, there's so many douchebags in Bradford." Zayn grunts walking out shirtless, with a fresh t-shirt balled up in his fist.

"Have a shower," Louis suggests to him.

"I'm about to mate, just getting a drink." He justifies, walking over to the fridge to retrieve a beer.

"What's this? Second guy this week?" Harry sighs over to him.

"I kill out of defence." Zayn says slowly yet surely. "Besides, he had it coming his way." He shrugs carelessly, walking his way back down the hall to the bathroom, beer in his hand.

I just grunt to myself, looking back down at the papers in front of me.

"Whatcha reading Blondie?" Louis perks up, going behind my shoulder to observe the papers.

"That's so boring." He huffs as he examines the report. "You actually like to do paperwork?"

"Yeah, I do." I say sharply, a small chuckle reaching my lips.

"I bet you were one of them homework sluts in high school - weren't you?" He breathes, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"That's exactly right." I tick jokingly watching him grin.

"Now here you are, living with Malik - tramp-stamp on your back and swearing. You're really come far haven't you?" He mocks, nudging me.

"It isn't a tramp-stamp." I defend, placing my hand on my lower back.

"It's in the tramp-stamp region. Embrace it Blondie." He shrugs.

"Oh come on, you'd have a tattoo in that region." I get out, motioning to his many tattoos.

"Nope." He pops as he turns around, lifting his shirt up lightly to reveal a clear patch of skin. I just huff, returning back to my papers as I hear the trickle of water coming from the bathroom.

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