7 stages of grief (LOTR AU)

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Emily: Can you do a one shot based on the 7 stages of grief? Make it really sad and could you make it where it's the LOTR gang? Xx

Wordcount: 13,900

"You know, I heard that humans swallow about eight spiders in their lifetime." Max explains forking some of the Chinese takeout into his mouth. I glance up - the fact making my skin crawl.

Zayn tensed up next to me, glaring at him as did James, Harry, Scarlett and Liam. Louis, however seemed interested.

"Really?" He questions, at a quick pace. "Yeah, it's pretty-"

"Do you have to talk to us about that when we're eating?" Zayn says slowly, his gaze dark.

"I just thought I'd let you guys know - do you think it's cool?" He questions over to James who gulped and took a sip of his drink. "I think it's disgusting."

"Exactly, it's disgusting. So shut up." Scarlett snaps quickly earning a smirk off of her best friend.

"Where do you even learn shit like that?" Harry retorts, an eyebrow raised as he pushes his plate away from him, all of his food - with the exception of a couple of vegetables - eaten.

"I don't know, heard Jack talking about it." He shrugs.

"You take facts off of Jack?" Liam snorts.

"Yes I do." He says defensively. "He's brighter than the lot of you."

"He's four?" Louis scoffs.

"My point exactly." Max gets out.

I glare up at him, hearing Zayn huff as I feel his hand on my thigh. I lean on my elbow, glancing over at him to deliver a small smile.

"You full?" He asks quietly, biting down on his lip.

"Yep." I murmur as he nods and grabs my plate, placing it on his own, walking his way into the kitchen to place them in the sink.

"I love it when Malik gets all domestic." Harry snickers. "Makes me feel all warm inside."

"I can hear you." Zayn retorts from the kitchen. "And I'm not domesticated at all."

"He is." Louis whispers over to Harry who chuckles and takes a sip of his beer.

"I know." I chuckle over to Louis who winks at me, Zayn walking his way back into the dining room. "Come here," he huffs holding onto my wrist, pulling me onto his lap.

I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing his temple as I lean my head on his shoulder. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" Scarlett asks Max who shrugs.

"What time are we even leaving?" He asks James who bites down on his lip.

"I have a conference with a client at twelve so early." He nods.

"Yeah, we'll have to leave early." Max repeats over to Scarlett who nods her head.

"We'll have to leave the same time as well then." Scar perks up to Zayn and Louis who nod. "I have to leave a tad earlier, I have to pick up some things up north then I'll meet you back in Bradford." He clarifies.

"Alright then, sounds like a decent plan." Scarlett murmurs. "What are you up to tomorrow?" My husband asks Max who clears his throat.

"Why would I tell you? You'll just steal my idea and do the exact same thing yourself." Max snaps quickly.

"Me? I would steal your ideas?" Zayn retorts, an amused grin on his face.

"You're shifty Malik. You cannot be trusted."

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