Oops - Mpreg (LOTR AU)

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KingCommenter: Maybe one where Niall actually wants to top during sëx, which leds to Zayn pregnant. It would be funny to see Larry making fun of bad boy biker Zayn being malepreg

A/N: Thank you for requesting this I've always wanted to something Mpreg!!! I hope you like this! It was originally supposed to be about 6k but I got a bit carried away haha xx [unedited]

Word count: 13, 400

"You're always so good Blondie." Zayn hums, kissing my cheek and I roll my eyes as I pull my boxers up - so utterly bored of this.

"At just lying there?" I mutter, watching as he snorts, messing his hair up even more than usual.

"Well, yeah." He snickers gently, nudging me as he reaches over to grab a cigarette, placing it between his lips.

"Do you have to smoke inside?" I whisper in the darkness which was only lit by the moonlight beaming through the open windows.

"The windows are opened." He points out as he sits himself on the edge of the bed, lighting up his cigarette and I sigh, collapsing into the sheets with my arms covering my face - so utterly puffed out almost.

"Why do you smoke after sex?" I whisper to him, my lip bitten. He turns himself around, raises and eyebrow and crosses his legs.

"Erm," he says, blowing out a huff of it, "because you know how sex feels so good?" He offers out and I nod.

"Well, it's always good to have the second most pleasurable thing afterwards." He explains, bringing it back to his lips.

"Hm. Well, have a good smoke - I'm gonna' go to sleep." I chuckle lightly, scooting myself closer to him, draping my arm around his chest as I peck his cheek.

"I love you." I whisper gently as he huffs.

"I love you too Blondie."

I lay myself down, my back toward him and I tuck myself between the blankets, closing my eyes.

When I woke up the next morning, I grunted seeing that the place in the bed beside me was absolutely empty and was I surprised? Absolutely not. Yet I just sighed to myself, hoisting myself up and going toward the bathroom where I quickly freshened up and skipped my way downstairs almost, ignoring the pain I had in my lower back.

"Good morning Blondie." Max grins, gripping onto something which was behind his back. I raise an eyebrow at him, pocketing my hands in the grey hoodie I had placed on before I departed upstairs.

"What's behind your back?" I ask him, my lip bitten.

"It's my new gun, do you like it?" He says enthusiastically, pointing it straight at me and I gulp, stepping back.

"Yeah it's... great. Can you point it somewhere else?" I huff, watching as he sighs, pocketing it.

"Nobody seems interested when I get some new weaponry." He mutters, shaking his head and I snort.

"Well I'm interested." I huff. "What type of gun is it?"

"9mm Glock." He smiles gently. "Five rounds per second... It's a beaut."

"Oh yeah? That's cool." I huff, walking toward the fridge to grab out my bottle of water. "So where's Zayn?"

"Erm... He already left." He trails off, pondering to himself.

"Are you meeting up with him or something?"

"Nah, I asked for the day off. I got hit badly the other day and it's just acting up." He mumbles, rubbing his lower stomach.

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