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The moon was shining. The stars were shining. Allison's face was shining also.

Her skin looked brand new with all the laughing she's done following her father's confession. And because laughter operates like an epidemic, Isaac had succumbed to the manic giggles. Too bad that Chris was immune.

"Yea, yea. Hardy-har-har. Can you stop now?" He asked irritated. "Ok, clearly the har-har didn't help." He commented when they started laughing harder. "I'm going to take a bath to give you time to calm down." He announced leaving the room.

'That was excruciating. I've not been more embarrassed in my life. But... She didn't kill me. She didn't get angry. She laughed. Is that better? Maybe she won't mind. Bah. I don't deserve to be so lucky.'

He stepped into the shower, letting the hot water clean his mind and body.

Downstairs Allison and Isaac had finally stopped laughing. Laying on the floor they stared at the ceiling contemplating what was said. Isaac rolled over, stared Allison for a few minutes and then seriously asked. "Are you alright with this?"

"Pff, that thing with Scott is dead and buried." Rolling her eyes she replied. "Dad seems to like him way more anyway. The way I like you." She send a small smile his way. "I'm not angry. I'm worried. Scott is a good guy and I think he's over us. Do you think there's any way this thing will have a happy ending? Or it will become a total mess? I mean most guys, even if they become suddenly gay, won't want to date their ex's father!" Her voice cracked. "Did I ruin this for him? I've never heard him talk in that tone for mom. It's deeper and I ruined it!"

"Shh. That's not true and you know it." Isaac hugged her and handed her a tissue. "Here. I think you need this."

"Thanks." She wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

"Now, you know that without you they wouldn't have met." Allison went to protest but Isaac stopped her. "Even worse if they met a different way your father may have killed him." He ignored her glare and plowed on. "A million things could have gone wrong, but they didn't. It's in our hand to help them go even better."

"You're right." She got up. "They don't know me! I'm as stubborn as a mule. If there is the slightest possibility that these two will get together, I'll make it happen. If the possibility is 0% I'll be the one to comfort dad and help him get over it." Her jaw set, she continued. "One thing is certain. I will not allow dad's moping anymore. He should be proud of himself, not hiding like this!"

"That's the Allison I know and love!" Isaac exclaimed. "I have a very. Important. Question for you." Allison cocked her head, his tone was too serious.

"Go on." She prompted.

"Do you have any cookies?" He deadpanned. A groan was involuntarily wretched from Allison.

"Sometimes I don't believe I know you."

"Come on! You don't mean that. I'm hungry!" Isaac whined "Chinese food never fills me up properly." He muttered darkly.


"The food was excellent, miss M.!"

"Thank you Stiles. We did our best with Alan." She accepted with slightly scolding undertones that could be detected as clearly as cherries on vanilla ice-cream.

"I didn't mean to be rude, Doc. I just thought you should always compliment women first." Stiles turned to face Alan.

"No matter Stiles. I didn't mind. The chocolate cake you two made was fantastic too."

Stiles grinned delighted. "I have to confess, I hadn't made whipped cream from scratch before! We always bought ready-made."

"I got it!" Scott interrupted. "I have a plan. But we want Allison's help for it." He concluded with downcast eyes and troubled voice.

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