Questions and Revelations

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------- On the phone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Ahoy, Stiles here. How can I help you?" "Hey Stiles. where are you?" I asked my best friend anxiously. "I'm at your room actually, waiting for you. You're late." He mockingly scolded me. "Well I have good reason. Can you come here, at Dr. Deaton's office?" Crap, I think that my mind overload was obvious in my voice. "Of course man, I'll be there in a few." He replied alerted. "Oh , and Stiles, bring a notebook, a pen and be ready to take notes."

I hung up before Stiles could add anything and went back inside. "Stiles is on the way." Dr. Deaton had stopped laughing and was busy making hot chocolate. "The cocoa will be waiting for him. Do you want to talk about something else? It may help you to concentrate in something else." A light bulb went off inside my head and I nodded my head. Not that he could see me. "Actually Stiles did a future prediction, -of sorts."

He turned and very seriously asked me. "What do you mean?" "When I told him I liked a guy, he excitedly told me he had a dream in which I revealed I liked a guy. In the dream I told him his name, he only remembered that it started with c not the whole name, but is still an amazing coincidence! Isn't it?" "Yes, it is. Undoubtedly so." He whispered thoughtfully.

"I finally arrived. Scott are you alright?" Stiles exclaimed bursting open the doors. "I'm fine. I just had too much information thrown at me and had trouble working my way through it. I guess that's because it directly involves me and my mate, and I just can't -" I started explaining when he interrupted me. "Mate? Like friend? What do I have to do with anything?" "Not that kind of mate. Apparently there is another meaning for werewolves. I refer you to Alan for the full explanation."

Stiles looked at the doctor waiting for him to start. The doctor on the other hand was staring into space and touching his jaw in the way, a rather rare part of society does when they're deep in thought. "Doc, hello. Anybody there?" Stiles impatiently tried to get his attention. "Sorry, boys. You were saying?" "Can you tell me what the word mate, means for werewolves?" My friend asked in a mildly put out voice.

"For most, it doesn't hold any special meaning. For the chosen ones though, it is a very important word. The Guardian Spirits award the people they deem worthy with their perfect mate. The person they would experience extreme happiness with." Alan replied. "Their soulmate? Like in the movies?" Stiles interrupted. "Yes, Stiles a lot like the movies. Together they will feel unprecedented joy, they will never want another. They will feel content just being with their mate."

"It's a blessing." Dr. D continued. "But it can also bring great pain, if one can't find the person of their dreams. That's why I was so relieved to hear that Scott's mate is Chris Argent." At that point he looked at me fondly and I found myself returning the smile. "Let me recap." Stiles said. "The dreams were there to reveal to Scott his mate. He was chosen because he became a true alpha. Did the Guardian Spirits -or whatever they're called, know that Scott was going to become true alpha or when he became one, they improvised?" He asked.

Hmm. Good question. Was it a last minute thing, perhaps? I knew his presence would prove useful in this discussion! "It was fated to be this way. It is their destiny to be together." My heart started beating faster when I heard these words. It was our destiny! My delightful dreams will come true, one by one. Images from my dreams came back to me and I blushed deeply, while another part of my anatomy was flooded with blood too. I adjusted my pants and let out a small sigh. I couldn't wait!

"Ooh Mind-boggling!" Stiles declared in a slightly teasing tone. "A little disturbing though. It's like we don't have free will. Or to be more accurate they already knew what we were going to do with it." He concluded with a subdued expression. I was maybe far lost in my lust filled thoughts, but I didn't really get it. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Really, Scott? What if when I found out you were a werewolf I freaked out completely and killed you? Fuck, what if you chickened out and didn't come with me in the woods? None of this would have happened!" He shouted, his voice a little higher than normal. "Don't yell. there is nothing you can do about it." Alan attempted to calm him down.

"Right. Breath in. Breath out. Don't think about it." Stiles tried to regain his composure. Call me passive, but even though I could see his point, I couldn't bring myself to care enough at this point. Chris and I are destined to be together. That's the point I will focus on. It didn't do me any good to think about whether we truly have free will. I had a mate to court, a happiness to achieve! I couldn't afford to worry about something I couldn't change. "Can we focus on Chris for now? Does he feel the same way I do? Dr. D, you said I have to bite him? Will he turn to a werewolf too? Chris definitely won't like that." I interrupted.

Stiles almost choked and started coughing. "B- bite? Are you serious?" He asked and went on coughing more violently now. "Stiles are you okay? Breathe man." I said while patting him in the back. "Well we have cocoa, but I think this situation calls for something else. Here." Alan offered Stiles a glass of water. "Thanks." Stiles responded, his throat scratchy. "I'm fine now. Go on." He urged us to continue.

"Well Scott, no. He won't turn into a werewolf. The only changes will be, that he will age much more slowly than regular people and he will attain better senses and reflexes." The good doctor explained.  "Well, not great but better. At least I will have something to say when he slams into my face the age difference we have." Scott sighed relieved.

"What should I do? Talk to my mother first, or Chris?" Scott asked for advice. Dr. Deaton and Stiles exchanged a pointed look. "Your mother of course." They replied in unison. Oh boy, this will be fun!

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