The Fun Talk

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"Are you freaking kidding me, Scott?!" Yes, his mother was taking it very well. (Note the sarcasm). "Are you seriously telling me, that Guardian Spirits decided you are gay and in love with your former girlfriend's father?" Scott's mother yelled at him. "Now, Melissa, Scott isn't lying. I confirm what he says. Aren't you happy that your son will have a guaranteed long and happy life next to his soul mate?"

Dr. Deaton and Stiles had come with for support, thankfully. "Alan, are you serious? Are you one hundred percent sure that this odd story is true?" She asked in disbelief. "There is not a doubt in my mind, Melissa. The sudden dreams, feelings, needs. It's exactly like the legend describes. The joining of those two is enormously important for their health and happiness. Otherwise, they will be dire consequences. Especially for Scott." Alan gestured at him.

"What do you mean? What dire consequences?" Melissa inquired with less heat than before. "With those dreams, he was given a taste of what his life could be like. A smidgen of extreme contentedness that filled him with longing. If the bond isn't established for an extended period of time, he will go mad." Alan answered seriously.

"Oh my God!" His mother exclaimed. "My baby boy will g-go ma-mad?" Her voice cracked. "We will not let that happen, Melissa." Alan soothed her. "We will get these two together, no matter what! Right?" He asked while broadly smiling. "Yea." Melissa answered with a watery smile of her own. "Yes." She continued her voice gradually getting stronger. "So what if they are both men! That's not a crime. So what if they have a bit of an age difference? They will have some happy years before one of them dies..." Her voice was getting lower again, if you hadn't gathered. "What will Scott do? Will he watch his soul mate die? Or as in the movies he will die with him?"

It was like a blow in the stomach. They already had cleared that area, but his mother's whisper send him some very disturbing images. Him crying over Chris's cold, unresponsive body. Even just imagining it threatened to tear his heart into million little pieces. He never wanted to see his fear realized. "No!" He took a deep, slow breath to try to calm down "No mom, don't even say that. Chris's aging will be stalled, until I catch up with him, and even then we will age much more slowly than regular humans." He continued with a leveled voice "Right?" He looked hopefully at dr. Deaton.

"Yes, that's right." Alan answered "Be at ease, Melissa. Their age difference is not a problem, persuading Chris to accept a younger man/werewolf is." "Well, can I finally tell you now, what I learned from questioning mr. Argent? I've already waited ages for my moment in the spotlight. I'm getting cranky, I warn you!" Stiles deftly destroyed the tension that had made everyone's muscles rigid with a single well-played sentence.

"How did you question him? You didn't outright ask him if he could see Scott and him together as a couple, did you?" Melissa wondered puzzled "Hey!!" Stiles exclaimed acting offended "I'm not five you know. Frankly, I expected a little more faith, from the usually understanding, mother of my best friend. How sorely mistaken was I, to believe that the existence of a plan was obvious. Here I was all excited to tell you that, in our conversation, Chris even bashfully admitted to having romantic feelings for a fellow member of the same sex after he, startled, fell of his chair when I introduced the subject! How thrilled was I, in the thought that I would reveal to all of you, that the signs he exhibited during our little interview, point to him having a crush on a younger male werewolf! I would certainly think that such news-" "Wait, what? What did you just say?" Scott interrupted his dramatic monologue.

Whilst Stiles performed his overly theatrical speech, his captivated audience chuckled and giggled, all three amused by his antics. It was Scott first, that noticed that Stiles, actually divulged vital information and wasn't just playing. Immediately his chuckles were cut off and his ears perked up, as his heart sped up at what Stiles was implying. "Wait, what? What did you just say?"

"Took you long enough to notice." His best friend, honorary brother smirked "Yes, it's true. Your man's answers in the questionnaire were extremely positive for us. I'm happy for you." Stiles offered, his face not longer wearing that arrogant smirk, but a radiant smile full of joy for his friend.

"Quick, tell us what happened! It sounds juicy." Melissa asked excited "Did he really blush? That's so cute!" She even clapped her hands in anticipation. "I'll tell you everything in great detail, you can be sure. Sit down and listen, as I unfold the events of today's expedition before you, so you can congratulate me for my achievement." Stiles gestured, before also sitting down and doing just that.

------------------------------- Inside Chris's mind at long last ------------------------------------------------------------

'What could Stiles aim to do, asking all those questions?' He wondered. 'It was almost like they knew my feelings, and wanted to confirm their suspicions...' He groaned 'Dear God, please, they can't know about it. I made up my mind to resist this crazy infatuation. He's a guy, and he's younger, and he's a werewolf, and he used to date my daughter for Pete's sake! Totally impossible.'

He hid his face with his hands 'Allison would never forgive me for harboring such feelings for her ex. She can't find out. I have to discover what they know, and if they know the truth, to find a way to keep their lips sealed.' A look of determination made it's appearance on his face.

'Time to move out.' He thought as he made his way to the hiding place of his useful equipment. 'Really, first I'm coerced by Father into marrying that heartless woman, (the only good that marriage brought was Allison, it was all duty, otherwise), and then I can't look anywhere else than Scott, my ex-son-in-law. Why? Am I being punished? That's why my eyes follow his every move, and my stomach becomes a playground for butterflies when he's near? Thank God for my poker face! It was not firmly in place the other day, cause Stiles came alone. I should have been more careful.' He silently berated himself.

When he was younger, he had the habit of thinking out loud. Years of punishments made that habit disappear. They couldn't stop him from thinking all together, though. He didn't completely succumb to the teachings driven daily to his brain, like that poor woman he had called wife all these years, and his poor misguided sister. He still had his heart and his eyes, despite all the attempts of his father to destroy them.

And now he could use these eyes to find out what was really happening, and trust his heart to react accordingly, not with hate and anger. Who was he kidding? His heart flattered already in his chest, at the thought of seeing that person again. It was highly probable, that Scott would be there and he couldn't curb his anticipation of catching even a glimpse of the young man. 'How pathetic of a man in my age!' He sighed and left the house, unaware that two sets of eyes observed him curiously.

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