chapter four

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The first Ghostface - Billy Loomis

The other Ghostface - Stu Macher


[Name] woke up in the now pitch black basement. It was dark outside, meaning it was either late in the evening or already another day.

The door to the basement opened, creaking as it broke the silence he found himself in.

"As you didn't behave ealier this day you'll only get 1/4 of your food portion." -he could hear the amusement Ghostface had while doing this.

Lights got turned on, his eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light. He glanced at the almost empty plate.

"You got to be kidding me." -he said, frantically looking up and down to realize this isn't a joke.

"Eat it now or you won't get anything for the next day." -Ghostface said, standing there crossing his arms.

"I don't even know what that is! Some type of dogfood or some crap?!" -he complained, panicked by Ghostface picking up the plate, turning off the lights again, leaving the basement.

"You can't leave me here to die!" -[name] screamed after Ghostface, desperately wanting to be saved by police forces at this point.

It was dark outside again.

Would this ever end? Time was irrelevant at this point.

[Name] awoke from another nap, the door creaking, he was desperately in need of nutritions.

He stayed quiet.

"I see you learned from your mistake, great." -the masked killer said, putting down a plate with even more unappetizing 'food'.

"F*ck you." -[name] whispered, his throat being as dry as a desert.

Without hesitation Ghostface picked up the plate again, leaving the basement again, laughing at [name]. 

[Name] already looked around the room several times to see if he could reach anything, but they prepared for that, putting everything far away from him. 

There was no hope left.


The door creaked open, [name] faintly made out what was to be one of the Ghostface killers.

He wasn't bringing any food for [name], rather holding something in his hand, seemingly cloth and rope.

What were they planning to do?

[Name] accidentaly moved, having a cold shudder run down his spine, his body temperature being low from all his time spent in the basement.

"I didn't expect you to be awake, oh well.." -Ghostface mumbled, moving closer to him, using a cloth with some type of chemical (chloroform) to knock him out again.


[Name] gasped, shrieking up as he woke up once again, this time both masked men stood infront of him again.

His surroundings changed, a different, much bigger basement was what he found himself in.

"We had to do some moving with ya, hope you don't mind." -the first Ghostface cackled.

"..water.. please, I beg of you." -[name] begged in desperation, his headache making him dissoriented at this point.

"We don't want you to dry up, do we?" -the other Ghostface said, grabbing a bowl that was sitting ontop of a table, filling it with tapwater.

[Name] was already hopeful that he would get actual water in a period of 2 days.

To soon to think about.

Ghostface stopped abruptly, acting like he tripped, splashing water all over [name].

The other Ghostface started laughing to the point he couldn't catch his breath anymore.

[Name] was now sitting there, handcuffed to the wall, trenched in water, freezing even more.

The first Ghostface bitch slapped the other Ghostface.

"Dude! We need him for the plan! Stop this bullsh*t." -the first Ghostfaced huffed, ripping the bowl out of the other GF's grip. filling it up with water again, a little less this time, he brought it back to [name], actually giving it to him this time.

"Even though you're our prisoner, you get taken care of.. kinda." -the first Ghostface said, softly slapping [name] cheek with the palm of his hand to get [name] out of his dissoriented state.

[Name] quickly drank up the ice cold tap water, feeling extremely uncomfortable physically.

"I heard you're a smoker, a heavy one. You'd like one?" -the other Ghostface said, holding [name] cigarette pack in hand.

[Name] shook his head, not feeling the need to smoke at the moment.

"Oh c'mon, one cigarette? Or rather some torture..? I'm joking!" -the other Ghostface started laughing again, this time cut off by the first Ghostface.

"We want you to listen to us, follow our commands. No backstabbing allowed, you still there?" -the first Ghostface explained, noticing [name] was fading from strict no food diet they were giving him.

"[Name], don't pass out on me, HEY!" -the first Ghostface yelled, pointing to the stairs to make the other Ghostface get food for [name].

[Name] vision got blurry, they sound around him becoming echoes till it was silent, he passed out completely.


[Name] was woken up abrutly by water getting splashed into his face.

He started coughing, having inhaled some water on accident, his face getting more red by the second.

After the panic of his was finally gone, [name] noticed he was bound to a chair, sitting ontop of it.

"We chose to feed you by hand, so you won't refuse it. Picky little bastard, ain't ya?" -the first Ghostface huffed, picking up a bowl with some type of food and spoon.

The other Ghostface was nowhere to be seen, only [name] and the first one.

"Here comes the airplane! brrr~" -the first Ghostface immitating the baby voice parents do when feeding their child at young age.

[Name] was too weak to pull against his restrains, eating whatever he was fed by Ghostface.

It tasted awful and smelled disgusting, he'd rather puke than eat anymore of this.


"You ate everything! I'm proud of you [name]." -the first Ghostface said jokingly, leaving [name] bound to the chair, leaving the basement while turning off the lights again.


4th chapter rewritten, AH-

Scream AU  [male protagonist]Where stories live. Discover now