Burnt Popcorn & Sunshine

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I can't believe it's only been a week since Lia's been out of the hospital. It feels so much longer, almost like she never was there in the first place. Her first couple of days here were hilarious. Starstruck wasn't a big enough word to describe the way she was acting. But I really can't blame her, every single one of them are talented and hot enough to be models. Plus, she was already a fan. Adorable right?

We were all splurged out on the couch watching a show called Wipeout. It was basically a game show where you had to try and make it through this crazy obstacle course without slipping and falling into a lake. Needless to say seeing people fall off moving objects is hilarious.

"Maria can you make me some popcorn I'm starving?" Lia asked batting her long eyelashes. For such a skinny girl she had a huge appetite. Another reason I was extremely jealous of her.

"Weird considering the fact that you ate an hour ago" I replied laughing. Lia pouted and rolled her eyes.

"Since Maria is being a jerky jerk I'll make you some Lia" Liam said playfully walking toward the silver microwave.

"Aw thanks Liam you're such a sweetheart" Lia replied with a flirtatious wink. All I could do was roll my eyes and hold back my laughter.

"Listen up EVERYONE" Harry said seriously. "We have some very important things to talk about after dinner so go immediately to the game room when you're finished!" He said sounding all authoritative despite the fact that he was one of the youngest people in here besides me. Everyone else just nodded but being me I had to go against the grain.

"Yes sir Mr.Styles" I said with a playful nod.

"Ooh Maria I like the sound of that" Harry said purposely making his voice husky. I bursted out into laughter soon on the verge of tears and everyone else started laughing along to except for Zayn who loudly cleared his throat, "Anything else Harry?" Zayn asked annoyed.

"No that's it for now. Wait LIAM HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING THE POPCORN?" Harry asked.

Liam looked around wide eyed and shook his head no, running into the kitchen. He pulled out the bag from the microwave and sighed in relief as he handed it to Lia.

She opened it and gasped. I took the bag and looked inside. EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF POPCORN WAS DARKER THAN CHARCOAL. Plus it smelt like burnt fish.

"I think you burnt the popcorn a bit mate I can smell it from here" Zayn said scrunching up his nose. While Lia and I smiled at Liam's lost puppy expression

"Whoa it is burnt isn't it?" Liam asked rhetorically. "Sorry about that Lia I didn't mean for that to happen" he said genuinely sounding disappointed.

"It's really no big deal Liam" Lia said, giving him a hug. By that point everyone was smiling and we all pulled into an awkward group hug. It's crazy how burnt popcorn can bring people together.

"Hey why don't we go out back to the pool and soak up some of this LA sun ?" Niall suggested. After a chorus of "yeahs" everyone headed upstairs to go get changed.

Me and Lia ran into the guess room we were sharing and Lia pulled me off to the side with a sad look on her face.

"Maria I-I have nothing to w-wear. Everything was lost in the f-fire" she said her voice cracking. The tears clouding her eyes were close to spilling so I quickly pulled her into a hug. Comforting her and remembering when I felt the same way. Loosing everything you own is terrible you feel needy and vulnerable, and worst of all stupid. Constantly criticizing yourself for not being more prepared, or not being grateful enough it was a dangerous mindset that I wasn't going to let Lia fall into.

"Hey Lia it's ok the boys bought me a bunch of clothes, I have two bathing suits you can wear and I'll make sure to ask the boys if they can get you some more clothes ok?" Even though I hated asking others for things I needed to for Lia.

"You're amazing you know that right?" Lia said smiling.

"Well I have been told that a few times not to brag" I said with a wink.

"Oh shut up now and go get me a bikini" she replied hitting my back amusedly.

I tossed her this cheetah print one Harry surprised me with one day. It was honestly more her style than mine. While I put on a red one with small black sequins. Lia looked amazing in hers while I just looked pretty plain, but I didn't really care I just wanted to get out in the sun.

"Looks like we're both ready lets go" I said grabbing a towel and green coverup and jogging down the stairs. Lia followed behind me wrapping a blue towel around her waist.

I opened the back door to see the guys pelting each other with water. I loved that they never actually acted like adults although technically they were.

Lia and I decided to tan a little first, laying our towels on the grass and getting comfortable. The weather was perfect, hot but cool enough to be relaxing.

About 15 minutes had passed when suddenly I was splashed with water. I opened my eyes to see a shirtless Zayn smirking at me. I quickly hopped off the ground and he ran off towards the pool. I went into psycho mode and lunged after him as he jumped in the pool. I was about to land but Zayn stuck out his arms and instead I landed on him.

"Thank you" I said my anger turning into laughter as all 7 of us ended up in the pool goofing around till the sun and moon swapped places.

Harry was first to leave the pull getting dressed so that he could get dinner started. The rest of us soon left too showering and getting dry our stomachs making a beautiful chorus of grumbles as we smelt Harry's food.

"Mmmm yes he's making lasagna that's that craic!" Niall said clapping his hands in approval. He looked extra adorable in his green shirt and black SnapBack.

"Haha weird Eleanor's having lasagna too, I doubt hers will be as good as Harry's though" Louis said patting his best friends back. I honestly love their friendship they were like brothers.

"Whose Eleanor?" Lia asked practically reading my mind.

"Oh she's my girlfriend" Louis said with a proud smile.

"Aw all this time and I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" I said

"Yeah it really just never came up' anyway you two want to see a pic of her?" Louis asked pulling out his iPhone.

"Oh I've already seen her a bunch of times online she's gorgeous" Lia stated

"We'll I haven't let me see!" I pleaded sounding like a child. He tapped the phone a few times than handed it to me, on the screen was a skinny brunette with an amazing sense of style.

"Damn she really is gorgeous good bye self esteem" I said chuckling.

"Oh shut up Maria you're gorgeous too, hell you all are. Now get y'all sexy asses in here and eat!" Harry shouted from the kitchen.

"No actually leave the asses in there. I don't want any donkeys messing up my spotless kitchen" Harry rambled. Everyone silently stared at him in confusion and sat at the long oak table. Harry laughed at his own joke as he put the lasagna on everyone's plate. Zayn finally came down once he smelt the food. He was wearing a white muscle shirt and baggy grey sweat pants that were low on his waist, don't get me started on his hair which was semi wet and going in different directions. The delicious smelling lasagna and Zayn looking so disheveled and sexy was not helping me at all. My stomach wasn't the only thing growling now..

The sounds of forks clinking brought me out of my trance and I remembered the yummy food waiting to be eaten.

We all were eating laughing and having a good time when Harry slammed his fist on the table, like a judge would, and said "I have an announcement to make"...

Waiting Game [Z.M & H.S] (Previously Kidnapped By Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now