Vegas Baby

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Everyone seemed to have a blast of energy upon arriving in Vegas. Maybe it was the flashing lights, or the amount of people walking around with smiles plastered on their faces. I personally preferred the mountains over the buildings but it all was breathtaking. The boys got to have a few hours of freedom since we were here ahead of schedule. So we decided to plan out our day. 

"We should do something people typically don't think to do in Vegas" Lia suggested.

"Yeah we should. Hmm what bout bowling?" Liam questioned. Everyone seemed a little unsure of this except Liam of course. 

"Seriously it will be fun, and I'm a pretty great bowler" Liam continued, pleading. 

"Hell why not?" Niall said smiling. 

"Okay bowling it is!" Harry said as everyone agreed. I took the responsibility of finding us a nice place to bowl. I took out my laptop and simply Googled "Vegas bowling". As a group we decided on a place called "Red Rock Lanes" because it sounded high quality. 

Not wanting to attract to much attention we split into groups of 2, including one security guard, and boarded onto separate taxis. Lia and I being the first group. Niall and Harry the second, Zayn and Louis the third, and Harry and Jon (the security guard) in the last taxi.

Luckily, the bowling center wasn't very busy at all by the time we arrived. It was extremely luxurious there was a VIP section, arcade, and snack area. The inside was super modern and inviting, making me a lot more excited then I was when we first decided on bowling. 

"This place is so cool" Lia squeaked making conversation with some tall receptionist guy, earning him a glare from Liam. 

We secured lanes toward the far right and got our balls, shoes, and some soda. Two girls walked in I could instantly tell they were fans by the look in their eye's but they were being really calm barely even looking towards the boys. Which I definitely was thankful for because I've watched people being a mobbed and it definitely didn't look so fun, so luckily I felt like these girls wouldn't like alert the world of the boys current location.

They went to get shoes and balls as Niall said we should split into two groups. He continued saying, "Then maybe the winner from each group could challenge each other, it'd be like a mini tournament yeah?"

Everyone loved the idea. 

Harry immediately claimed Niall, Liam and I as his team. That left Louis, Zayn, and Lia as team 2. 

"Hey we only have 3!" Louis exclaimed. 

"Hold on I'm going to ask those girls over there, they haven't started bowling yet" I said hoping it'd help even out the teams, and give the girls an opportunity to meet their idols.

I walked over to them, they were sat on a red coach tying their shoes. 

"Would you guys like to bowl with us?" I asked motioning towards the large group.

"Sure!" the shorter girl with highlights said beaming. I smiled and introduced myself to the pair. 

"I'm Maria, it's nice to meet you both" I said, they seemed to be teenagers which was cool since sitting on a bus filled with 'adults' can get so old.

"Nice to meet you I'm Paige" said the taller girl excitedly, she had an Avengers shirt on. 

"and I'm Jordan" added the girl who had first replied to me earlier. She seemed very fun, I was happy I decided to let them join us it was going to make the game so much more exciting.   

"Well come on lets go!" I said smiling at them. They returned the smile and nervously followed behind me.

"They're even hotter person how is that?" Jordan whispered squeezing Paige's arm. I laughed quietly not wanting to embarrass them. 

When we made it back over to the large group Jordan and Paige introduced themselves and Louis decided that Jordan got to be on his team, so we got Paige. Lia explained how our little competition was going to work and the girls just nodded happily. Once everyone was situated with balls and shoes we started bowling. 

We let Jordan and Paige bowl first, they both were really good. Shit.  I was up next against Lia who like Paige, got a spare. While I got nothing but gutter. There is nothing worse than being competitive yet being horrible at every form of physical activity, but somehow I am.

20 minutes later I still hadn't hit one pin and Harry finally got a strike. Which was hilarious to watch because his form was really aggressive but once he made the strike he did this adorable little half jump thing.

Thee girls had also had a lot of time to chat with the guys during this time. Jordan's favorite is Zayn and she told us about her pranks and adventures with softball. Paige's favorite is Niall and she told a lot about the bowling team she's on (no wonder she's so good) and she's left-handed. Paige got Niall to sign her bowling ball while Liam bowled, and Zayn signed Jordan's phone case. 

As we refocused on bowling I was tempted to quit, it was clear Paige was going to win and I still hadn't hit a single pin. Lia had already quit about 30 minutes into the game opting on cheering on her teammates. Harry noticed me pouting and walked up to me smirking.

"What's the matter?" he asks

"Shh I don't feel like talking" I reply rolling my eyes

"Hey I can help you with your form and aim and well all of it, if you want?" he said 

"Umm no" I replied sounding a bit too rude

"Okay then" he said frowning.

"Wait Harry I'm sorry it's just sort of embarrassing" I say heat filling my cheeks. 

"Haha oh" he says and shrugs dismissing the topic. 

Jordan ends up winning for our team and Paige wins for Zayn's. We decide not to make them bowl against each other and they thank us. Jordan pulls out a camera and says "As a reward for our fabulous bowling I think me and Paige really deserve a picture" 

"Oh of course seriously thanks for staying so calm and cool with us. It's fans like you both that keep us going, oh and Paige you may want to check your bag" Niall says winking and giving both the girls a kiss on the cheek. Jordan's eyes fill with tears and Paige is beaming we all pose for a group picture and then a few extra one's. Once all the pictures are taken Paige and Jordan practically spring over to where they left the bag. They open it and Paige shrieks.

"CONCERT TICKETS" they shout in unison.

"Precisely". Louis says grinning 

"See you guys tonight" Zayn says smiling at the girls. 

They hug the guys and surprisingly Lia and I also as they leave. We leave about 10 minutes later and head back to the bus which was now parked near the hotel we'd be staying at.

Tonight was showtime. 

Waiting Game [Z.M & H.S] (Previously Kidnapped By Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now