All Aboard

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Lia and I were currently watching the boys finish up their rehearsal. We had our small little luggage bags and a few little gifts from the guys.

The boys were going on their second world tour and they were absolutely ecstatic. You could feel it when they performed this wasn't a job to them, it was their passion.

Harry's voice finished out the last song in their set and Smit, their bus driver, motioned for everyone to head on the bus.

"Put your luggage in the designated storage areas please" Smit demanded already sounding tired. But who could blame him we were already causing a ruckus over who got which bunk and we hadn't even stepped on the bus yet.

"So who do you plan on bunking with Maria" Zayn whispered lowly into my ear, sending shivers throughout my body.

"Lia obviously" I replied ignoring my body's excited reaction as Zayn studied me.

"You do realize there's technically only 2 'rooms' right. Each one has 1 bunk bed and 1 single bed so you and Lia need to find a 3rd person" Zayn stated.

"Well who are you sharing with?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Harry" Zayn replied smirking.

Rolling my eyes I turned towards Liam knowing Lia would be more than happy to have Liam share a room with us. (Although she'd never actually admit it).

"Hey Liam Lia and I need a 3rd roommate and I think you could be the one" I wonder if he noticed my Hannah Montana pun, wow I have issues.

"Sure why not?" He replied smiling oblivious to my excellent play on words.

"Wow thanks for asking me if I was okay with this" Lia muttered lightly shoving me.

"No problem you'll be thanking me for it later" I replied winking.

"Whatever" she replied abruptly ending the conversation. We loaded the bus and it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It was literally a house on wheels but it was modern, and edgy. Way cooler than I'd imagined. The rooms were pretty large considering it was a bus, but sadly there was only one bathroom.

The "rooms" were separated by thin doors and were all conjoined. One room had a red and silver theme, and the other had a black and blue one. Their were 50in flat screen TV's in both rooms and small closet spaces.

Zayn Harry, Niall and Louis chose the black room, while Me, Liam, and Lia happily took the red one.

I immediately threw my luggage into the overhead compartment and sprawled out onto the bottom bed.

"So I guess this means I get top?" Lia grumbled unhappy with that fact.

"Yup" I said popping the P. Lia stuck her tongue out at me as she headed towards the problem most likely to check her makeup. I hadn't noticed Liam enter the room until I heard the bed diagnol from ours creak. Liam had thrown his luggage on the floor and like me he was also sprawled out on the bed.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Yeah rehearsals are a pain sometimes" Liam replied.

"Yeah they are" I added.

"Um you do realize all you did is sit there and eat nutella with Lia, while the guys and I actually did all the hard work" Liam said trying to sound serious. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him, throwing my hed back against a soft white pillow.

Lia walked in a few minutes later and she was glowing, not even noticing Liam.

"Whoa whoa Lia what exactly were you doing in the bathroom? Wait. Nevermind I don't want know." I said adding in a dramatic shiver. Lia just smiled and sat on the other side of my temporary tour bed.

"Fangirling pretty much, like it finally hit me that we are actually going on tour wirh One Direction. That kind of stuff only happens in stories and I'm just extremely happy that it's a reality for us" Lia said smiling even wider.

"I'm excited too" Liam added causing Lia to jump.

"Oh h-hey Liam haha how are you wow this is a really nice tour bus" Lia said stumbling over her words, obviously embarrased about her earlier statement. This was super weird; Lia is usually never embarrased. She's the confident outgoing one, I'm the awkward sarcstic one whose middle name is embarrased.

I stared at her for a moment and soon she forgot about her embarrasment and silently challenged me to a staring contest. I was hoping that if I stared at her long enough she'd morph into some kind of green alien motherfucker and all this "being embarresed" stuff would make sense. I stared into her hazel eyes for almost 10 minutes until my stomach started growling. Annoyed I shifted my eye's away hearing Lia cheer with victory.

"Mind if I make some popcorn?" I asked Liam considering he was the closest group member currently.

"Sure go ahead" he said pointing me towards the small kitchen area. There was a microwave, a mini fridge, plastic dishes and silverware. All the appliances were modern and were designed to not set the entire bus on fire thankfully. I placed some ultra buttery popcorn in the microwave and decided to give myself a personal tour of the tourbus.

I walked past the kitchen and there was this little makeshift table and a couple brown buslike seats. Walking even further to the fron brought me directly to Smit and all his important bus driver gadgets. Bored with the front, I decided to have a look at the back. I walked through our room towards the thin door I hadn't opened yet. I knew it'd lead directly to the other boy's room and decided to continue anyway because frankly I still didn't know how exactly to get to the bathroom; which is a problem considering I had to pee.

I opened the door to the Zayn, Harry, and Louis' room. I noticed that Harry had claimed the single bed while Zayn and Louis lay on the bunk bed. There room was super quite considering they were all on their smartphones. All of a sudden my head flew back a little and it took me a second to register that of just been hit with a pillow. I turned around to find the culprit and saw Zayn smirking with another pillow ready in his hands.

"Keep moving nothing to see here" he said. Pissed and in need of a potty I snatched 2 pillows from under Harry's head and launched them straight towards Zayn face. I didn't get to see his reaction because I broke into a sprint down the hall towards the bathroom and locked myself in. Finally getting some relief I quickly unlocked the door and sprinted through Zayn's room into mine once again closing the door. The 2 years of track I did in high school were finally coming in handy.


The rest of the day on the tour bus was pretty chill. Zayn and Harry had got their revenge. Zayn poured popcorn down my shirt and Harry poured salt down my shorts saying "you can't have popcorn without salt" yeah so I'm pretty much scarred for life, especially since Zayn's new nickname for me is "butter boob" ugh. I would find a way to get back at them later, but the rest of the day thankfully was peaceful.

Niall and Louis played board games. Zayn made me a playlist full of some r&b songs he loved and thought I should tryout(sweet right?). Harry taught me how to play ping pong, and Lia and Liam watched movies and ate chips.  

The next few days continued that way until one day something strange happened..


A/N : Get this story to 170 TOTAL votes for next chapter ily thanks for sticking with this story 

Waiting Game [Z.M & H.S] (Previously Kidnapped By Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now