Chapter 1

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The smell of smoke and weed filled your lungs as you walked into the club , eyes adjusting to the changing bright colours around you.
Your all black leather jacket and shorts made you blend into the crowd  people dancing all over the place, oh god how you hated clubs and
alcohol in general.

You studied this club for a month straight to be sure and safe to conduct your plan , it was a fairly risky plan but it was worth for what you would achieve if you carried it successfully.
As you walked over the bar you sat on a stool and ordered a virgin mojito , just to look like a simple girl spending her night at a bar. Nothing more.

As you sipped on the drink you went over the plan once more in your head with all the possible outcomes, you were sure that you would succeed.
This was worth all the time you spent on researching what this club really hid under the cover, it hid a lot of information about a certain organisation that you were investigating on for a while.

You got up and started walking towards the toilets , there you looked yourself in the mirror and fixed your brunette  wig  and wore a mask .
" It's time for you bitches to learn about karma~" you sang as you walked outside into the corridor opposite the bathroom.

You walked into the room and wore your most innocent face that you could put on
" Oh i'm so sorry i thought this was the bathroom... i'll head-d out-t now" you stuttered seeing the two men in the room look up at you.

" No come here" the man with short hair said
You obliged and nervously made you way towards him. " Darling what were you truly looking for hm?" he smiled at you while caressing your face gently.

" Hm sir i have to go-o" you looked up at him intimidated . " Darling , did i say you could leave?" he said while leaning closer to your ear .
" What are doing here all alone huh?" you said now taunting you  with his warm breath hitting your ear.

" This" you said while swiftly grabbing you baton that was hidden in your jacket and knocking him out in a fraction of a second. His body fell limp on the floor as the other man looked up at you shocked.

He tried to get his gun out but you threw a vase that was sitting on the desk near you at his hand, making it bleed almost instantly. At the same time you walked towards him and punched him in gut making him drop onto his knees. You grabbed his hair and got closer to his face

" Bonten my ass , you're amateurs" you taunted at him before hitting him with the baton on his neck .
Now both of the brothers were on the floor knocked out cold as you went through their computers and downloaded data that was vital for them , in contained their personal data and the names of gangs that were collaborating with them. You were skilled with computer's so it was childs play .

" Now that i have the data , hmm what can i do with you" you smiled while looking down them, then an idea made it's way in your mind .

After finishing your masterpiece you made your way out of their office quickly, even if you made all of their guards useless, you didn't want to risk to meet any of the other executives.

You played with the usb in your hands as you sat on your bike , taking off your wig and putting it in your bag as you wore your helmet.
You drove off into the night while laughing at hoe easy it was going to be to eliminate bonten from their roots. The wind crashing onto you as your bike was the fastest vehicle on the highway as you made your way towards your apartment.

Meanwhile at the club Ran woke up and remembing what happened, called an emergency meeting at his club . As he went to wake up his brother he noticed multiple drawings as curses written on his face.

" What the -" he 'Ran'  ( PLS I HAD TO ) to the nearest mirror and saw his face full with drawings and curses as well. He went to the bathroom in his office and tried to wash his face but it didn't come off. As he was struggling to clean his  face he heard the others walking in , so he just gave up and went to them.

" Ran what the fuck happened here?????" Sanzu asked him clearly shocked at the mess around him .

" You have been attacked?" Kokonoi asked " And what the heck is that on your face" he laughed at his face.

Ran frustrately ran a hand in his messy hair, he explained everything from meeting you and to what happened after. He also explained how he found his computers open and how he thought all of  their data was stolen .

" So that chick kicked your asses and even wrote on your faces with a permanent pen" sanzu started to laugh maniacally while holding his stomach .

" Sanzu i wouldn't be laughing, mikey's is not here but we have to report everything to him" Kakucho stated as he knew that mikey would be pissed  that all of their data was in the hands of who knows who.

" Guys look at this" Kokonoi pointed at his laptop as he played the footage from that night " There is someone coming out from the female bathroom, but their face is blurred out completely ."
They quietly looked at the girl as she walked to the door and stopped.
" Why did she stop" Rindou asked
The girl slowly turned towards the camera and blew a kiss while also making a heart with her gloved hands.

" That bitch-" Rindou lost it "she left the footage on purpose, to show us this" he frustratedly started pacing around the room.

" She is skilled, she knocked out all 10 guards present, and you two as well" Kokonoi analysed the situation. The girl was trained to perfection and she also looked really smart from how she did it all.

Their moment of thinking was interrupted by one of their men walking in looking desperate and scared.
" Sir you should come out and look at this" he started to lead the group to the back entrance.

There were their  expensive cars with all of their windows smashed and spray painting all over the car calling them wimps and bitches.

" We have to find her." rindou was done at this point, this hirl managed to enrage him and his brother, but not only that . She mocked them both in the most humiliating ways imaginable.

Oh the game is on.

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