Chapter Fourteen

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(Content warning: gets a lil spicy)

Milly wasn't at physical therapy; she had a dentist apointment, according to aunt Kat. Without her there it felt a little too quiet that day.

We were working on walking, and I was not excited for it. I a little glad it wasn't a pool day. They had us set up on these platforms that looked like wooden bridges, with worn grip tape on the stairs leading up and down, and hand rails on either side.

One of the nurses commented that she was impressed at my ability to hold myself up; another nurse told me he was concerned about my inability to take more than a few steps. I could manage the excersize, but as always it was more tiring than anticipated.

I had seemed to have figured out stairs, and standing, but balance was a whole different ordeal on its own. But regardless of thier praise or concern I still felt angry at myself for some reason; over something I had no control over.

Thankfully after an hour and half it was over. I was starving.

"Kat can we get lunch?" I asked, buckling myself into the back of Jay's truck.

"I was gonna make lunch, I found a recipe you might like."

Shrugging, I started to fiddle with my headphones.

"Don't forget, you're watching Milly tonight." Kat said, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

"I know."

"Jay and I are going out tonight, so it'll just be you too again."

I feigned awe "ohmaigosh? A date?" I mimicked Winston a bit with that one.

Jay snorted

Kat made a flatly annoyed face. "Marlowe you-"

"Ass? I know." I plugged in my headphones and smiled to myself as Kat was left scoffing and Jay busting into laughter.

She huffed "Anyways- yes, a date- but it'll just be you two again. Do you want anything for lunch or dinner?"

I shrugged. "We still have a bunch of seafood at home. Probably best to finish it up."

"Can you reach the stove?"

"Enough to just boil some seafood."

Kat was quiet for a moment before speaking up again. "I'll order you guys something to eat before we leave."

Either was fine with me. I finally put in my headphones and listened to one of the playlists Dee has sent me as we continued driving.

Milly seemed extremely excited to come over, and very energetic that afternoon. Kat had ordered us some fast food. Kid's meal for Milly and a chicken sandwhich for me, which I ended up not eating.

Most of the afternoon was spent with her excitedly doodling pictures, watching her movies and playing with dolls. At one point she grabbed another bag of dolls from her seemingly never ending bag of toys and slid closer to me while i sat next to her on the couch.

"Who are you talking to?"

I was texting Dee, who had confirmed that his "fish boy" comment was more about me devouring nearly two pounds of seafood, and nothing to do with my suddenly growing scales. I was still unsure, but also not sure how to ask him without saying too much.

"Um, my...boyfriend?" I said cautiously. I didn't want to call him my "friend", but I was also unsure of how Milly's mom would've felt about me being honest with her on that.

Milly gasped "You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah?" I replied, still careful.

"Oh wow! I didn't know boys could have boyfriends! Whats his name? Do you have a picture?" She rattled off a few more questions, excitedly. Kids aren't really judgemental, which is nice.

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