The Spider bite!

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Gwen Stacy POV: We enter into this red glowing room filled spiders!. Holy crap I whisper to Peter, what the hell is all this! peter than whispers to me, The Future!. I have to take pictures of this! as Peter  takes pictures I look up at the ceiling,

I see two spiders crawling on top of the machine then all of a sudden they both get electrocuted and fall on top of me and Peter

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I see two spiders crawling on top of the machine then all of a sudden they both get electrocuted and fall on top of me and Peter. what the hell! I look at my hand and then the spider bites me! Peter also gets bitten and we both yell. Ow! What the- I look at my hand and I see the spider on it I hit the spider as it falls onto the floor dead Peter does the same thing as we look at our hands.

 Ow! What the- I look at my hand and I see the spider on it I hit the spider as it falls onto the floor dead Peter does the same thing as we look at our hands

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Hey Gwen, are you all right? Peter asks yeah I'm fine I say. Then all of a sudden we hear a voice, hey what are you two doing here! Then me and Peter booked it out of the room through a door and back into the hallway we turn the corner we see the escalator, and as we go down it we see the class at the exit There about to leave! Hurry Peter I tell him, then we catch up to the group just in time, Peter Gwen! we were looking all around for you where were you two!. The bathroom! Peter suddenly blurts out. Mr. Smith waits for a moment then talks again, the bathroom we were looking for you all over this facility and you too went to bathroom!. why didn't you alert anyone?. It was an emergency mr. Smith!. That's it both of you detention after school. but mr. Smith- no buts! both of you get into the bus now! Okay mr. Smith, as we leave we hear the kids laughing as Harry gives us the sympathetic look. We're back into the bus and we sit down & buckle our Seatbelts. I'm so sorry Gwen Peter starts to apologize as he looks down to the floor I never meant for us to get in trouble like this. You have nothing to apologize for Pete, mr. Smith is just a big jerk, As I ramble on, I start to think to myself Damn, Peter is so Damn Cute. Yeah Big shock I love Peter But not in the fake love way, no I really do love him. I mean Peter's been there for me like no other guy has well besides my dad but even still. Peter has always been there for me and because of that I've grown to love him however I don't know if he loves me back that's why I've never told him I don't want to ruin the friendship we have so until I have some real concrete evidence that he's in love with me too Im keeping my mouth shut. Still even though all of this happened my hand is throbbing and my head is killing me, thanks Gwen I needed that Peter says I didn't realize I was rambling the entire time, it took a moment to realize what he was saying then I catch my bearings. Anytime Pete, then the rest of the kids come in Harry takes a seat next to us. Hey harry! me and Peter both greet him. You two didn't really go to the bathroom didn't you? Sigh, yeah we didn't go to the bathroom. I knew it! you guys went looking around at the lab Weren't you?. it was an accident Harry! we couldn't find the class and then Peter found this room and we thought that was where the class was going and we got into a huge red room full of spiders and- wait a minute you guys went into that room, Harry stares at us with a serious face. Yeah and then we got bit by spiders! Peter blurts out. Peter! I whispered to him but it's too late harry already heard everything. You guys got bit! Um yeah?. Oh no no no this is bad this is really really bad Harry starts to mumble to himself, why what's going to happen to us! I asked him. Those spiders aren't just normal spiders their special spiders, special how? Peter asks those spiders were genetically enhanced by my dad himself!. Wait you're telling me that the Norman Osborn genetically enhance those spiders, but why? It was for some experiment. Well What Can we do? I have no idea I mean the spiders were genetically enhanced to be a bunch of super spiders that enhanced all of their abilities. Hey Gwen maybe we got spider powers! Peter jokes yeah now we could shoot webs out of out butts! Me and him crack up but Harry is still serious about the whole thing he warns us to drink plenty of water and to just relax the bus leaves of course and we continued the motions of our classes the whole day I just felt off my hand still hurt like hell and I didn't know what to do. After school I texted my dad say that I was going to spend another night at Peter's house okay Gwen I have another police shift so I'll be back in the morning. Okay bye dad. After that exchange me and Peter walk back to his house.

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