Chapter Three

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Marinette's P.O.V:

"Sorry I was late I had some unfinished business." Jason said smirking.

My face scrunches up in confusion and a little bit of suspicion. I decided to not continue what I was going to say. "Thank you for sharing with us Marinette and Lila! Lila you sit next to Adrien in the front, Adrien raise your hand." I see a blonde boy with green eyes raise his hand.

"Marinette you sit next to Alya, Alya raise you hand." The girl who showed me to our class, raises her hand and me and Lila walk to our seats which is not far.

"What did he mean by that?" I ask out of no where. "What?" "When he said he had unfinished business.." "Oh, Jason Todd, he was probably making out with some random chick or something. He's a player in this school. Everyone loves him because he's rich.., handsome.., A Wayne.., Rich.., you know." She explains.

I nod my head in understandment. "He played all the girls in this school. Even me... and he's only been here for a week!" "The only people he haven't played is you and Lila, you guys are next. Especially because you are both so fabulous and pretty." She continues.

I nod my head and after we decided to focus on class. 'Jason Todd, playboy, 17, Wayne kid, 6'0.' I write in my spy bracelet under the desk.

Then I decided to actually pay attention in class.

Timeskip to after class, lunch time!!!!

I was walking in the hallways heading to my locker to put some stuff away. I close my locker and turn to see a tall figure standing there with his arm on a locker. I realized it is Jason. The one boy I did not wanna bump into at the moment.

"Hey beautiful." He says. "Hi..I gotta go to lunch now." I mumble trying to walk past him. As soon as I get to his side he stops me and moves me back in front of him by the waist. I feel myself get butterflies.

'You cannot start catching feelings for anyone Amayah. That's is not what you're here for!' I think.

"Woah woah woah, why in a rush little lady?" "I'm not little.." I mumble very quietly. "Yes you are." "No im not." I say a little louder. "Yea you are." He says calmly. "No I'm not." I say firmly. "Yes you are." He smirks.

"Whatever, I don't care, can I go to lunch now?" I say getting a little angry because I'm hungry. "Ooo princess is getting fiesty. I always had a thing for fiesty, small, gorgeous looking girls." He smirks.

This time. I'm fed up with his bullshit. I walk past him really fast heading to the commons (cafeteria) to meet up with Alya and meet her other friends.

I see her, a boy with brown hair and brown eyes, and a boy with blonde hair and green eyes, the boy Lani had to sit next to.

I walk over and say "Hi." "Oh Hi Marinette! This is Nino and Adrien." She says excitedly. She points at the brown haired boy first then the green eyed boy.

I wave at them and they wave back. I sit next to Alya and she starts speaking. "Have you heard of Ladybug and Charlize Noir?" She says jumping up and down in her seat. I lie and say, "No..I haven't. Who are they?"

"They are the superhero's of Paris! They are amazing." "Oh wow theres superhero's here? How cool!" I say in fake excitement.

I look around the cafeteria to see 2 groups of people crowded. The first one I go to, is the one with a little less people than the other. I go in the crowd to the middle and see my dear twin sister Lani spilling her lies and feeding them to the hungry. I roll my eyes and head out to the other crowd. I push to to the middle of that one, just to see Jason Todd. Hooray..

As soon as he saw me he gave me a wink and all the girls look at me in either disgust or anger. They're so possessive over him. I maneuver through the crowd back to my lunch table.

"Lemme guess the bigger one was Jason in the middle?" Nino says uninterested. "Ding ding ding! Bingo." I say.

"He winked at me and all the girls had terrible reactions. What's that about?" I ask while eating.

"Oh, because even though they all got played, some of them just want him for sex, some just want him for popularity, some just want him for wealth, and some just want him for some other reason. They're desperate for him." Adrien explains.

"Hmm.." I reply in interest. "He makes out with  6 or less people a day. 2 if it's a good day." Nino rolls his eyes. "Jeez, I'm surprised he doesn't have herpes." I shake my head.

Timeskip to the end of the school

I finally finished my first day of school and I can't wait till I get home.

I walked to my locker and get the rest of my stuff before I leave this place. I close my locker just to see another person there.

"Uh..Can I hep you?" I ask nicely. "I want you to stay away from Jason." A girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes say. (It's not chloe) "Uh, first off, you ca- I mean..uh I have no idea who Jason is." I catch myself before I slip up and I give them an innocent sad face.

"Stop lying we saw when Jason winked at you." A different girl with Black hair and green eyes says. "Look, I don't want any problems. Also, how are you do sure Jason is going to end up with you. Isn't he the school player? He played every girl in the school." "Yea sure but it's obvious he wants our Leader and the most popular girl in the school. Diane."

"Mhm..yea okay." I mumble. "What was that newbie?" Diane says teasing me. "I said that's understandable?" I lied. "That's what I thought." She pats my head after wards and walks away with her friends.

'Did the bitch just pat me on the head..? This bitch really patted me on the fucking head. I'm not no kind of fucking dog or pet.' I think , getting angrier. I clench my fist and feel my nails digging into my skin, my knuckles turning white.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around glaring at them to find out it was Lani. "What Lila." I growl. "Woah what's got you so angry?" "A stupid ass stood up cocky motherfucker just patted me on the head. You know I don't take that bullshi-" "Woah relax. Relax your hands. Your nails could've dug into your hands so deep that you could've made your hand bleed. It's not that serious Marinette." Lila tried to comfort me.

"I should fucking breaking her bones like chop-" "Let's go home, since school ended early today. Take a different route than usual." She looks at me with a serious face. "Whatever." I mutter.

We exit the school and go out separate ways home.

Oh what an amazing first day of school! I wish I could kill everybody right there and then.

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