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The ride to school was uneventful, one guy honked his horn at Persey, but it didn't faze her. She just continued to ride to Arcadia Oaks High School.

She put her bike on the bike rack beside what she assumed was Toby's bike. She chained it up and then walked inside just as the bells rang.

Persey tucked her head down as she saw Eli Pepperjack getting stuffed into a locker by Steve Palchuk, she usually just ignored these little things.

Abruptly, Coach laid his hand on her shoulder roughly. "Persephone! My prize student." He shouted gleefully, "Hi Coach!" She replied with just as much energy

"Ready for that match tonight?" Persey was on the wrestling team and tonight they went against a school from Chicago.

"You better bet I am!" Persey exclaimed, she looked at Coach's face to see his smile. Coach was like a big uncle to her, a well-muscled one at that. He was good friends with her parents, well Mom.

"Glad to hear that kiddo," Coach said, Persey looked at the roof behind him to see...... An enormous bird, with talons and a large beak. It glared at Coach like he was his next meal.

Persey stared at her in awe, she then noticed that the eagle had four legs... The back two were that of a lioness, the creature was beautiful.

Its wings hung loosely at its side as if it was prepared to fly away in just a split second.

"Coach!" Persey yelled, she blinked... And it was gone.

"What? What is it, Kid?" He asked, looking behind him but the creature was nowhere in sight. The coach looked back at her worriedly "Are you alright kid?"

Persey was quiet, but she nodded, nonetheless. The bell rang "Here kid let me get you a note, so you aren't late."


Persey sat in her seat, writing down the geometry notes from the board. Her pencil moved swiftly across the paper


Suddenly, a paper slapped her in the back of her head and landed on the floor. Persey looked up and turned around. Toby looked suspicious because he had that stereotypical casual face after doing something while Jim looked more professional at being calm.

Persey didn't even bother to grab the note, she turned around and went back to work.

After an hour or so, she looked out the window bored as Ms. Janeth solved the equation on the board. "And x equals- 23." She placed a period beside the 23 signaling the equation was done.

Persephone looked at the sky, her blue eyes dull with boredom. Abruptly a quick and lithe shape flew by the window, it was a brown blur because it was so quick.

Persey jumped and yelped, her small squeak of terror brought down Ms. Janeth's attention. "Persey, are you alright?" She asked, looking down at her concerned.

"Y-Yeah...." Persey instinctively looked behind her to see Jim staring at the window while Toby whispered something to him.


"Are you positive it was the griffin thingy?" Toby whispered as Persey was called up to the board to answer the new equation.

"Positive, and I know Persey saw it too!" Jim whispered back as he looked to see if Ms. Janeth was watching. "We need to take her to Troll Market, she'll be safe there." Jim said

"After school?"

"After school."


The Valkyrie; The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now