We need to talk

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That night, all of them stood by the table in the living room. Fake Dad didn't even have his phone out, he was staring awkwardly at the floor, his hands in his lap. Fake Mom meanwhile was sitting cross legged on the couch across from Persephone.

"Look hon-"

"Don't hon me!" Persephone snapped; all these years she had been lied to. She wasn't their child, she was someone else's! And if this Valkyrie shit hadn't of happened, who knows when they would have told her!

"Were you just going to keep lying to me all these years?" She demanded fiercely, a stinging began on her wrist but she ignored it and continued on. "Honey no.. We... We just we're looking for the right time..." Fake Mom said in a sad tone, oh how pitiful!

"Now seems like a good time as any!" Her voice was harsh as she stood up and began to pace back and forth "Where did I come from?"

"Well... You were a newborn, your real parents... They... They disappeared so you were taken in by Child Protection Services into foster care... And we were those parents who took you in." Fake Mom explained, Persey froze as she mentioned they had disappeared.

"As soon as we saw you hon, your mother begged-" Fake Dad was cut off by Persephone "She's not my mom!" Her voice cracked. "It doesn't matter, we still love you." Fake Mom said as she wiped a tear from her eye. It only infuriated Persey further, she had no right to cry! She didn't say anything though.

"Well Janet begged for us to adopt you, and we did... It took us three years, but we did it." Fake Dad said, changing Fake Mom's name to Janet which was her real name.

Persephone frowned, she felt a scream rising but she shoved it down. She stomped upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

She spent the night punching her pillow and screaming into it so her 'parents' didn't hear her. Where was her mom? Was she really the last Valkyrie?

She soon went to bed in tears.

At around 3 AM she was woke up by a scratching on her window. She got out of her bed and went towards it. She thought it was maybe a branch but when she opened it, nothing was there.

She poked her head out of the window and looked around.

A shrill eagle cry made her look up and her heart stopped.

She couldn't even move when it had scooped her up and out of her window. It had her by the neck at first and then it readjusted it's front talons and gripped her arms.

Persephone screamed as the eagle flew over Arcadia. She thrashed and did whatever she could to make it let her go.

The griffin suddenly dropped her but swiftly grabbed her ankles before she could plummet to her death.

Persephone could no longer see her house now.

What was she going to do now? Persephone screamed so more and the eagle-like creature screeched into the air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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