*slow updates*
Ava, a 16 year old girl who just moved to LA to live beside her best friend Piper and escape some personal challenges soon finds herself joining the famous "squad". Ava is not looking for any relationships in particular, but when she...
I walked into Piper's living room where all of the squad was hanging out. They had set up a couple mattresses for us to sleep on, but I went and sat next to Jentzen who was on the couch.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie" Piper asked. We all agreed and she turned on the T.V. We picked the movie "Midnight Sun" (btw it is an amazing movie definitely recommend), which took absolutely forever for us to agree on and Piper pressed play.
Jentzen's POV :
Tonight was the night. I was finally going to make my move. The boys had been telling me I should do this all day, but I was so nervous as to how she would react. I mean what if she just thought of me as a friend? Oh well I guess I just gotta go for it.
I waited for the movie to start and waited for the perfect moment. I wrapped my arm around Ava's shoulder and she leaned in. Wait. SHE LEANED IN. I was so anxious all day because I didn't know if she liked me that way. I mean I think she does considering how she reacted. Well let's hope that's what it means.
Ava's POV:
I was watching the movie when I felt Jentzen's arm wrap around me. I leaned so he would know I liked it. I tried not to show it on the outside, but on the inside I was about to explode with excitement. At least now I know that Jentzen likes me as a bit more than a friend. His touch was so comforting and warm, I loved it.
I saw that Piper noticed Jentzen had his arm around me and gave me a giant smile. Then I saw her whisper something into Lev's ear and his head immediately turned to us. He let out a "letsss gooo" loud enough so only Jentzen and I could hear it. I smiled back at him and just continued to watch the movie.
After the movie ended we just decided to put on Brooklyn 99 because everyone in the squad loves that show, me included. I started to feel a little tired, even yawning a bit and I think Jentzen started to notice how I was feeling.
"You tired?" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. If only this boy knew what his voice does to me.
"Yeah" I said as I let out a yawn. Jentzen laid down on the couch and motioned for me to lay on his chest. I rested my head on his chest and it felt like I was dreaming. I wish I could just stay here forever. I noticed some of the other squad members starting to fall asleep as I felt Jentzen play with my hair. I slowly started to drift off to sleep feeling like the luckiest and cosiest girl in the world.
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When I woke up I looked up to see if Jentzen was awake and he was. "Good morning Ave" he said in his sleepy voice.
"Good morning, is anyone else up " I asked. "No, I don't think so" he replied.
"What time is it?" I asked as I shoved my head into his neck (like the picture).
"9:27 why? Are you still tired sleepy head?" He replied, laughing a little at me.