Chapter 13

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Ava's POV:

I woke with the worst headache I have ever experienced. What went down last night? I looked down and I'm still in my dress from last night. I must've just passed out. The last thing I can remember is Jentzen and I dancing in the club. The rest is just a blur to me. How the heck did I even make it back to our room?

I could hear some faint talking coming from Piper's room, so I assumed that maybe Jentzen just went over there. I quickly got changed into some sweats and a crop top, wanting to be comfortable. I saw that there was also some water next to the bed and I easily drank that cause my head was pounding.

I walked into to Lev and Piper's room, trying my best not to look hungover even though they probably already know considering they were there last night.

"There's my little alcoholic" Jentzen flashed a smirk at me.

"Shut the fuck up Jentzen. No one asked" I replied, walking over to Piper and cuddling with her. If your not cuddling with your best friend, seriously what are you doing? Piper just giggled at me.

"I won't tell my mom, don't worry" Piper stated.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much" I gave Piper the biggest hug I could possibly give. I guess I sat up a little too quickly though and started to feel sick. I ran as quick as I possibly could to Piper's bathroom and just like I guessed, I threw up literally everything from last night. 

Jentzen quickly rushed to my side and held my hair back which I thought was very sweet of him considering how disgusting I probably look right now. Ugh, why did I have to drink so much.

"Here" Jentzen said, passing me some water. I really don't deserve this boy.

I drank the water and once I was feeling a bit better and stable enough to walk, Jentzen and I headed back to our room after saying goodbye.

I laid down on the bed and looked at Jentzen. He had this face on that I've never seen before. It was like a mix of anger and worry. It felt like I was being scolded by my mom. 

"Ava, seriously what were you thinking last night, please explain to me what happened" he says, sitting down next to me. He's looking at me with this worry in his eyes and it suddenly makes me regret my actions. I never want to disappoint him. 

"I'm really sorry Jentzen. I was in the bathroom, and I saw some girls pouring shots into their drinks and they asked me if I wanted some. I didn't say no because I wanted to seem cool and it seemed like a fun idea at the time. Then once I finished that drink, they gave me some more. I don't really remember what happened after that..." I rambled out, feeling a little embarrassed. I was really curious what happened after though. Oh god what if me and Jentzen did something...

"Ave I'm really disappointed in you. I know you know so much better than that. Nothing happened between us last night that we haven't done before since you don't really remember. I would never take advantage of you like that, ever. I can't lie though; drunk Ava was a hilarious person to be around." He laughed at the end. Shit. What could I have possibly done last night.

"Jentzennnn" I whined, "tell me what I did"

"Mm I don't know if I should, maybe if you didn't drink so much you would remember" he said, smirking. This boy better tell me, or I swear I will beat his ass. I NEED to know why happened. 

"Jentzennnnn" I whined even more. I better get my way, I always do.

"Ok, ok fine I'll tell you. From the moment you came back from the bathroom, I knew you were drinking, I could smell it all over you that's why I kissed you and I could taste it in your mouth. Then you went and got another drink and when you came back you started grinding your ass on me. It was really funny, and Lev was laughing at you. I was starting to get hard, so I told you to stop because I was trying to be a respectful guy and not start things while your drunk but then  you went and started grinding on another guy" he said, laughing as he remembered the night.

Lover Boy | Jentzen RamirezWhere stories live. Discover now