Hunter's POV:
It has been four days since Ava announced to the squad that she was grounded. Jentzen has been moping around for these past couple days. Usually Jentzen was his bubbly self, but with missing Ava so badly he didn't know what to do. It was so unusual for him, so he must really like her. Little did he know I had a plan up my sleeve.
Earlier today I went over to Ava's house to talk to her mom. I wanted to surprise Jentzen with Ava being ungrounded, but I obviously needed her mom's approval. She was hesitant at first but I finally got her to budge since Ava had been behaving the past few days.
I let Piper in on the idea and she invited all of the squad over to film. They all came over and Jentzen was the last one to show up. He walked through the door with his hood up and he was looking at the floor walking towards where the rest of the squad was sitting. He did not look like a happy camper.
"I just need to go grab my camera guys and I'll be right back" I lied. I went into my office and dialed Ava's phone number.
A= Hey Hunter thanks for getting me ungrounded. I really appreciate that.
H= No prob, but we are just about to start filming if you want to come over in a couple minutes.
A= Okay sounds good, I'll see you soon
H= Bye
A= Bye
I quickly grabbed my camera and went back into the living room. "Okay Jentzen we are going to film your video first which is just going to be a mystery wheel challenge" I lied again. I never usually lie on purpose, but I knew in the outcome it would all be worth it.
"Hey guys it's Jentzen and welcomed back to my YouTube channel" he said very unenthusiastic. Most videos Jentzen would have been doing back flips and screaming his intro at the top of his lungs, but without Ava here he was not happy at all. Oh boy, I am gonna have to do a lot of editing to make him look happy.
Jentzen's POV:
This week has been the worst week of my entire life. Without Ava here I feel so down and upset. Not only I can't see her, but I can't even text her too which is the worst part. Today we had to film videos, but all I wanted to be doing was cuddling and spending time with Ava, which I can't.
I was doing my intro when all of the sudden there was a knock at the door. "Jentzen can you get that" I heard Hunter say from behind the camera. I slowly walked over to the door and opened it not expecting anything special when I saw Ava standing there.
I immediately ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head on her shoulder. "What are you doing here?" I questioned "Did you sneak out?" I raised my eyebrow at her. I did not want her getting in more trouble than she was because I could not go any longer without seeing this girl.
"No silly, my mom ungrounded me" she said right before I placed my lips onto hers. This kiss wasn't like our usual kisses this one had meaning and passion. It only lasted a couple seconds before we were interrupted by Emily "okay you guys don't need to make me feel more lonely than I already am". I just laughed. I mean Emily could pull literally any guy she wanted but she chooses to be head over heels for the one that's miles away. We both walked back inside the house and I sat on the couch right next to Ava.
"Look who's happy now" Hunter said as I dug my face into Ava's neck. I missed her so much and now I finally got to see her. I know we've only been like "crushes" for a little bit, but it felt like we were meant to be. That she was the piece of me that I was missing. I've never felt this way with Elliana or Sophie those were mainly just for views, but with Ava I think I've found true love. I've always felt really close to her ever since the day she told me about her dad. She was so brave to open up to me and I wish I could do the same. I just feel like if I tell her about my mom and open up about my feelings she wouldn't want to be with me anymore. Maybe one day I could tell just not today or anytime soon...
a/n: sorry that this one a short one I just wanted to give you guys something to read. I'm going to try and post more often just shorter chapters, but let me know if your willing to wait a couple days longer for a 1500-2000 word chapter rather than a 700 word chapter. ily <3
842 words

Lover Boy | Jentzen Ramirez
Фанфик*slow updates* Ava, a 16 year old girl who just moved to LA to live beside her best friend Piper and escape some personal challenges soon finds herself joining the famous "squad". Ava is not looking for any relationships in particular, but when she...