Chapter 11

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( Alexandra's POV )
When we got off the plane. We were all pleased to see the familiar lush green forest. I looked at the piece of paper that I wrote the address on. I looked at Margo and Jessie we knew we had to run there. We walked toward the cars. Margo knew how to hot wire. We waited as she worked with the car. We herd it spring to life.

We had decided to drive until we got to the forest then we would phase.

"Ok let's bounce out of here." Said Jessie.

"I see the forest just up a head." I said as I pointed. Margo pulled the car over to the side of the road. We got out and phased. We probably looked really weird with a backpack on our backs. We bounded toward our required destination. Everything started to look very familiar. The feeling of dread started in my stomach.

~WHAT PACK DID DANIEL SAY IT WAS?~ I asked through the mind link.

~ THE RAVEN FULL MOON PACK. WHY?~ Margo said. I stopped for a millisecond. The feeling growing inside of me.


I vowed never to come back here. And here I was going to train the very people I hated most in this world.


~YES.~ we made it to the border. We were surrounded by wolves immediately.

They were growling and snapping at us. I looked over at Margo and Jessie. I saw the same evil look in there eyes that was probably in mine.

We stopped. A red wolf was the first one to attack. It launched at me. It was fast but not fast enough. I dodged him easily. The others growled. Suddenly there was a full out battle. We had them pinned in two minutes flat. I looked up at the familiar sent of Michael. Daniel wasn't far behind him. And behind him was three of the four people I hated most in this world. Otto Black, Joshua Black, and Jack Greyson.

Daniel and Michael looked at each other. And burst out laughing. I kid you not people. The son of a bitches were laughing. They looked at us and said

"You can let go of them now." Jack made the move toward us. But growls were herd throughout the clearing.

~IS THAT YOUR SO CALLED 'MATE'?~ Jessie asked through the Mind link

I nodded.

She growled again. Jack backed of.

"You can shift." Said Otto pointedly.

Josh was silent. He kept staring at Jessie.


~ WHY?~ she asked getting all defensive.

~ THATS MY BROTHER.~ I said slowly. ~AND THAT ONE THERE WITH THE GRAY HAIR, IS MY FATHER. BOTH OF THE BEAT ME BLACK AND BLUE.~ I explained. I knew that Michael and Daniel couldn't hear our conversation. I made sure of that. The last thing we needed was a war on our hands.~ I DONT CARE HOW MANY BRUISES I GOT FROM THEM, BUT I WILL NOT LET THEM TOUCH A HAIR ON YOIR HEAD!~ I said with a force that I didn't know I had.

~ I'LL BE CAREFUL~ she said.

I nodded I went behind the tree and shifted. I put on my close as fast as I could. I walked out and herd a bunch of gasps. I ran over to Michael. I felt his arms rap around me.

"Hello. I'm Jack Greyson." I turned in Michael's arms. Jack looked ready to kill. I stepped forward.

"Hello." I growled out. "this is Margo, Daniel's mate. And this is Jessie." I gestured toward them.

"This is Josh my soon to be beta and Otto my beta."

"Were is the former alpha?" I asked. As the head warrior it was my job to know were the last alpha left off. Because I am also in charge of training other packs, it could mean the difference between the life and death.

"He died in the attack." Said Jack sadly.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." I said stiffly. "Now let's get on to the business at hand. How much have they been trained?" I said.

"Not much, our head warrior, also my mate wasn't here for the attack."

I choked.

"Something funny."

"Is she your real mate?"

"I don't see how it's any of your business." He said. Anger rising in his voice.

"Actually it is. As the head warrior, it is my job to know the Luna of the pack. She tells me most of the things I need to know. I have trained at least three packs in the last four years. The Luna's told me what the pack eats, how the pack acts, and most importantly how much they take in. so if you think this is none of my business check again. Because if you want this pack to survive you'll do what I say." I was panting by the time I was done. Everyone looked shocked even Jessie and Margo who have seen me go off before.

"No."He sighed "she's not. My real mate was killed. She wasn't fit to be Luna. I rejected her. She ran away, they found a body in the forest, she was presumed dead."

"What was her name?"


"And you think she's dead?" Said Jessie.

"Yes. why?"

"Because she's not dead. you idiot. " Said Margo.

"Excuse me?" He said in shock.

"The Alex you know is dead." I said. "But Alex is not dead. now Michael, Daniel we have been gone for quite a while. I'm pretty sure you want to see your sister and mate?" I turned away. I still knew the way like the back of my hand.

~THAT WAS HIM WASNT IT?~ said Michael stiffly. ~ YOUR MATE?~


"Wait!" I turned around with a raised eyebrow. Otto, Jack and Josh all looked at me.

"We never got your name." Said Jack.

"Alex. Alexandra Black." I said as I turned around.

"It's good to see you. Daddy"


You should all officially love me. Two updates in one day! Whoot whoot! So for the next chapter lets go with five comments or votes.

I need feedback :p






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