Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Jack's POV)

The story of The Midnight Angel goes like this. Thousands of years ago, three sisters ruled the heavens. The eldest sister Adelphi was queen among the Celestials, but somehow she was corrupted. Constantly driven by jealousy of her other two sisters. The middle child, Artemis, had the power to create and restore life; she maintained control over all supernatural beings on earth at her sister Adelphi's command. The youngest child, Alexandria, was the protector of the supernatural world. Gifted with strong and powerful wings as well as other gifts befitting a Celestial being, Alexandria took down Adelphi and helped to restore peace among the kingdom.

Or at least that was the kind of story my mom used to tell me when I couldn't sleep at night. Supposedly the Angel was charged to come down to earth and fix all of Adelphi's mistakes. Legend says that Adelphi created a race of werewolf soul-sucking demons, but I always thought it was bullshit anyway.

And then my mother died, and the story lost any real meaning it would have had for me.

After Otto Black's mate died, my mother slowly began to fall ill. The doctors thought she died of grief. Maybe it was because she felt that she was not good enough to protect her pack. Almost as if she felt she was not worthy to be the Luna, a wife, or even a mom anymore. Shortly after my mom died, my dad changed a lot. He became a very ruthless alpha, and he had no patience for mistakes. That became very evident when he started to punish the omegas more harshly than usual. I didn't know how my mom would have reacted if she could see him now. Part of me knows that she would hate the way my dad treats the omegas, having been one herself in her previous pack. It's hard to make a man who's lost his mate see any form of reason. All he saw me as was the next in line. He had a very clear idea of how he wanted the pack to be run. Anything that didn't meet his expectations is unworthy of his attention.

Snapping back to reality, I took a closer look in the mirror. As the future alpha of the Midnight Moon pack, there was a lot of pressure on my shoulders to make my dad proud. The Midnight Moon pack is not a weak pack by any means, but that does not mean that we are the strongest pack either. I stared at my reflection and feel a slight pang of disgust. Mom would hate to see me now.

I hear a groan coming from behind me, which instantly catches my attention. I turned my head to see Ashley. She was tall and slender, with a golden tan that seemed to make her honey blonde hair stand out, and dark chocolate eyes that seem to go on forever. She was wicked smart but she was the biggest slut in the pack. She was only fucking me because of my status as a future alpha. She was ambitious and deviant. To others that made her unlikeable and evil. To me it made her sexy as hell.

She opened her eyes and made eye contact with mine. She gave me that mischievous little smile that told me I was most likely going to be late for school.

30 minutes later I was finally getting back out of bed. By this point in my life, I had mastered the art of taking quick showers and throwing clothes on. When I got out of the I put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a white v-neck shirt, and a jacket, as well as my military-grade boots.

I know I'm a player. But every man has their own needs, and Ashley was more than willing to satisfy them for me. Though she wasn't the only fuck buddy I had. I did a quick assessment of my wolf. He seemed to be tense and on edge, though I can't blame him considering who our father is. Looking in the mirror one last time before I left for school, I double-checked to see if I was presentable enough. My dark brown hair was a little messy, but nothing more than usual. The first thing that most people notice about me is the color of my eyes. My left eye was a deep green color, while the other was a bright icy blue. The next thing people notice about me is my tall and muscular build. To outsiders, people see a pale bad boy player type. I'm pretty much a walking cliche but who gives a shit. I walked out of my room just in time to run into Ashley.

"Hey baby." She said with a sultry tone of voice.

"Hey, babe," I said as I pecked her lips. There was no love in our relationship, and she was perfectly fine with that. Everything gets complicated when feelings are involved.

Still Ashley did not hesitate to deepen the kiss. She hadn't had enough of me this morning it would seem.

"Come on we'll find a closet at lunch," I said, smirking.


( Alexandra 's POV )

I was sitting in trigonometry, trying to keep my head down and appear virtually invisible before the class started. I tried to keep my movements as small as possible as I looked up and saw that there were two seats open, one by me and one in the front row. Suddenly the classroom door opened and the future alpha himself walked in. I felt the power radiate off of him as I lowered my head in submission. His scent wafted through my nose, and the feeling of dread kicked in. Still I dared not look up. Jack Greyson always had fascinating eyes. They were two different colors which I guess that's what drew people in. I was terrified of what I would see if I looked up and made eye contact with those fascinating eyes of his.

Where one goes, the other is surely following behind, so it's no surprise to me when his girlfriend Ashley walks in behind him.

While Jack had all the power on pack territory, Ashley had all the power here at school. To the humans she looked exotic and interesting. It was no wonder she had almost everyone wrapped around that perfectly manicured pinky of hers.

Seeing no other options, Jack walked to the desk next to me. I didn't look at him. I knew what was going to happen if I did. I should have expected Ashley would come and knock my stuff to the floor. She does every day. The only difference today is because my seat just happens to be by Jack's. As I bent over to pick up my stuff I felt a sharp pain shoot up my back towards my neck. I collapsed on the floor as the searing pain took a while to subside.

"Get out of my way slut. Losers can't sit here" Ashley said with an evil look on her face.

Gradually I picked myself up and as calmly as I could, I grabbed my things off the floor. I walk to the front of the classroom with a stony look on my face. Not once did I turn around, and not once did I let them know how much it hurt on the inside.

Happy Birthday, Alex.

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