Legend of the Midnight angel

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(Must read authors note!)

Once upon a time... There were three sisters. Adelphi, Artemis and Alexandra. They were Just and fair rulers, their people praised them endlessly. Well they praised Artemis. Adelphi ruled over her kingdom with grace and poise. Alexandra fought and protected her people. All were very passionate. Artemis was known as a virgin Goddess and was not tied down. Adelphi felt she needed to rely on no man. But had many affairs over the course of her reign. Alexandra loved and was loved by Jasper. A warrior who fought beside Alexandra. Each sister was blessed with a gift, Adelphi was blessed with the gift of  foresight. Alexandra the gift of flight and was able to bend light to her will. Artemis the gift of the moon.

Adelphi was a ruler, Artemis was a creator, and Alexandra was a warrior. They grew up in harmony. Artemis created a race of wolves that would represent her on earth. Adelphi, jealous of her sisters ability to create. Attempted to create her own race that would represent her on earth. She experimented, on many things. Including herself. Alexandra eventually found out what her sister was doing. As her expressions became darker her emotions started going out of order. Where she once represented the day, she now represented shadows.

In an attempt to stop her sister, Alexandra told Artemis of her sister's doings. Though Alexandra begged Artemis not to do anything rash,  Artemis in an outrage, confronted her sister. Having denied everything Artemis felt she had no choice but to banish her sister. And so Adelphi was banished to the shadows, her powers stripped from her, but not before completing her task. She created creatures that were ravenous and hungry and vicious. Monsters that seemed to lurk under children's bed to feast on there dreams. The stuff of nightmares. They were known as The Hunters.

The creatures were dining on humans, most called it the plague, others called it murder. Artemis, in a last attempt to save her sister from her self; Sent Alexandra down to earth.

"Alexandra go. Save her, bring her home."

"You are asking the impossible."

"Yes I am."

"They will kill me."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"What if I can never come home??l those that fall willingly can never return."

"But you're doing this as a mission. Surely you understand that you can come home can you not?"

"Your wolves are powerful are they not?"

"They are, but only we can save Adelphi. We save her or we Kill her. Either way this ends. Now."


"Until the job is done."

"What of Jasper?" Alexandra asked hopefully. For she could not bear to be separated from her love.

"I will allow him to go with you. When you go down there, you will not remember this. Jasper won't either. You will be born among the wolves. While you will carry the same name, Jasper won't. It's your job to find him. He will help you."

"Sister, why me? You are the stronger one!"

"No. You are the warrior. It is your job to protect. So protect."

And Alexandra fell. Artemis took over the throne. Adelphi disappeared. Alexandra searched, through the decades, she watched and waited. And still their was no sign of her sister. At a certain age she would remember. Remember Adelphi, and her shadows that cursed the land. Remember how Artemis had sent her, Remembered Jasper. Jasper, was by her side, for most of it.

Sometimes she didn't find Jasper. In those lives she was bitter, and she was forced to lock her memories away.

But only when Adelphi realizes her mistakes would it be too late. One was meant to die. And that is when both sisters could return to their kingdom. One would however never be the same. When Alexandra went down, Adelphi went into hiding. The murders were less, the sickness and death ceased. But death is a way of life. It is the way of all life. The murders still happened. Eventually it was all just a distant memory. A memory that haunted those few who had survived. Surviving isn't living. But they survived, and tales were told of nightmares and demons. Others created their own myths. All far from the truth.


Ok not the best... But I try. Anywho. I really really need some feed back! Also go read shabbyXhx story! Yes? Do me a favor and click on the following buttons!






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