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*Mason's POV*

I sat by the window drowned in my own thoughts. Thoughts and memories. Memories of my best, human friend, and her sister. Who moved away. Thinking about how long it had been since I had seen them or even talked to them. It felt like forever. It felt like an eternity. It had only been a few months. Ugh.

Of course, I knew that I was going to have to stop being friends with them eventually with the hole me being an immortal and all, but I didn't know that they would leave me first, and not the other way around. I also didn't expect it to be so soon. It left a hole inside me that I didn't expect to be there. I should be used to people leaving by now. It never gets easier no matter how much I want it to. I wish it was as simple as just getting over it.

I was spacing out while staring into the desert. The view was blurred with heat waves from the scorching Pheonix sun. I almost missed it when my phone started to ring. I looked at the name on the screen because I was unsure why anyone would call me. It read Carlisle. Strange. I hadn't heard from Carlisle in a long while now. He is family though, so I would always answer.

"Hello?" I said, still confused as to why he had called me. He didn't contact me regularly as he knew I liked my space and respected that.

"Mason, It's Carlisle, we need your help."

"What's going on?" I asked, a bit worried now that I knew Carlisle hadn't called me for social reasons. If they needed help from me, it was obviously important, because they were vampires so there wasn't much, they would need help with.

"Edward has recently found his mate. Unfortunately, a tracker has decided to hunt her. All we know right now is that the tracker, James, is planning on leading her to an old ballet studio where he's going to kill her." Carlisle said this all fast and he sounded worried, which made me worried as well, because he was typically an incredibly calm person. He didn't worry about anything unless it was bad.

"She's human?"

"Yes, but I don't have the time to explain. We need you Mason, will you please come help us?" Carlisle almost begged. He must have been desperate to help Edward.

"Yes of course, I'd do anything for family. I'll be there as soon as I can." I quickly hung up the phone. I had never met Edward when I was staying with the Cullens, back then it was only me, Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie, who has been one of my best friends for a long time. Edward was away from home during that time, but I had heard a lot about him from Esme. I grabbed what few things I thought I would need before leaving my own home and heading to the Cullen's.

*Edwards POV*

Carlisle got off the phone with someone who's voice I didn't recognise which was unusual because I had met most of Carlisle's friends, and then he turned to face me and the rest of the family before he started to talk.

"Edward, an old friend of mine who you haven't met is coming to help you save Bella. I do just have to warn you before she gets here that she's not exactly... a vampire." Carlisle told me, waiting for my reply.

"What do you mean not a vampire?" I was puzzled as to how anyone other than a vampire could help me with saving Bella because it was a very delicate matter and humans and wolves don't seem like people who would be able to help.

"I don't have the time to explain because she will be here any second but I'm sure she will explain everything to you once you have saved Bella. Oh, and don't be concerned if she lights a fire and sits in it, I know it sounds ridiculous but there is a good reason, like I said, she can explain it to you after." He replied.

I was just trying to comprehend what he had told me because none of it made any sense to me whatsoever., when a person, whom I guessed was the friend Carlisle was talking about, appeared in our living room. I had no idea where she came from, she just appaired out of thin air which just made me more confused and trying to think of what she could possibly be.

"I got here as soon as I could. Are you Edward?" She asked me. I supposed she could tell by the worried look on my face. I tried to read her mind and find out more about her, but I discovered that I couldn't. This just kept getting weirder.

"Um... yes?" I replied, still in a daze of confusion.

"Ok. We need to go. Now."

As she said this, she grabbed onto my hand. I felt a strange rushing sensation as my vison blurred and when I looked around, I realised, we weren't in my house anymore.

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