I'm Going to Italy

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*Carlisle's POV*

My family and I were sitting in the lounge talking about animal blood preferences when Bella and Ariana returned wearing grim looks on their faces. I immediately knew that something was wrong.

"What happened, where's Mason?" Rosalie demanded.

Ariana was the first to speak.

"Bella got Jacob to follow Mason and Leah when they went on their walk. He overheard her asking Leah to kill her and she said yes."

As she said that, almost everyone started crying or just looking grim. The house was silent untill I heard my phone ring. I walked over to it and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Carlisle, I saw that Mason is dead. I just called to let you know that I'm going to Italy."

"Alice I-" I tried to talk her out of it but the line was dead.

The family looked at me having heard what alice had said. We had lost two family member in about five minutes. Jasper was struggling to try and make us feel better but I think he just gave up.

*Leah's POV*

I stared into the eyes of my imprint as I was about to kill her. She stared back at me. Looking at her, I knew that I couldn't go through with this.

"Mason I'm sorry but I can't do this." I admitted to her.

She looked upset but she told me she understood. We hugged goodbye and she headed home.

*Rosalie's POV*

I was so lost in grief for my best friend that I didn't look up when I heard someone come in the door and when I did I was stunned.

"I thought you were dead!" I yelled at her. "Why on earth would you let us think that?"

"I'm really sorry Rose but you know that I was going through a depression and I just wanted to end my own suffering" She replued looking rather guilty.

When the shock had set in to everyone else she was engulfed in bear hugs.

Carlisle spoke next.

"We just have one problem. Alice went to the Volturi."

Now it was Mason's turn to be stunned.


Daisy A. CullenWhere stories live. Discover now